Ahhh Robert Pattinson

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Guys I had a dream of Robert 🙈💭😍
ok let me start telling you..

OK so, Robert went to my school, he looked so young and looked so cute like on the pic😍 so we went on a field trip. The trip was about shopping and do whatever we wanted.

So I was walking with Robert and this other guy (let's say Jasper) Jasper on the road. So I decided to lock my arms around Jasper's arm and locked my arms around Robert's arms too and they locked their arms on mine 😂😍 we were talking and laughing of some stuff that I barely remember😭😂 so OMG, I decided to hold Roberts hands and he hold mine too😍I also hold Jasper's hand and he hold them back too😍😂 and I was swinging their hands back and forth and I was saying that they're my best friends😂 then Jasper bumped into someone so he to let go my hand go😐😂 then Robert let my hand go too😭😐😂 ahhh I can't believe I hold their hands😂😍👫 so then I saw my friends (let's call them Bella and Alice).

I went up to them and went shopping. It was fun until Bella walked away and ran away from me cause we were fooling around and I couldn't find her and I couldn't find Alice either when I tried to look for them🙍 so I got out of the store with my stuff I bought and I walked by myself. Oooo, when I was walking, Robert saw me walking so he came up to me and said "these chips and food are sooo good" cause he was eating some tasty chips and I said "right, I bet they taste good even tho I didn't even tasted them" and he just laughed and smiled at me🙈😍😂 then I hugged him and said "you came back to me, yay" and he was just eating his chips (they looked spicy but good😂🌶) then we just walked in a room that was for filming movies.

When we were walking through there I locked my arms around his arms so I won't get lost🙈😂 then he said to me "you like me don't you?" I said "no, well, yes and you're many favorite actor😍😂🙈" and he smiled like on the picture and giggled❤️ then, he said that he has to go film, so I hugged him and said bye..

              •Roberts part of the dream•
Robert went to a room where there was a cat.. Robert asked the cat "do U wanna be my girlfriend?" The cat didn't say anything because animals don't talk.. so I went to see him to see how he is, but when I saw Robert in his room, he was kissing the cat and the cat was scratching him but did not even leave a mark on Robert.. So I left because it was weird. Robert then went to film. They were filming "Remember Me". So the girl Ally was in his room and was on Tyler's bed. Tyler (Robert in the movie) walked to his bed and kissed her. When I saw that, (I think I was spying on them😂) I got mad (jealous, I guess) but did nothing because it was just a movie. Then after the trip and filming I said bye to Robert and I hugged him..
Man he was sooo handsome 😍😂
Hope you guys enjoyed 😍💭🤓😊
Sorry if it had mistakes😭😖
TBH guys, Remember Me is my favorite movie 😍🙈❤️👾

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