Yandere Masaki x Male Child Reader x Yandere Hiromu (Platonic)

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(Anime: Tadaima Okaeri)

Hiromu Pov

We have been looking after M/N since his parents went on holiday claiming they needed a holiday away from him but I couldn't see why he was an angel just like our Hikari plus he was super polite for his age. Watching him play with Hikari with a smile on my face I look over at Masaki who was staring blankly at the calendar "what's wrong love?" "there back tomorrow" I nodded hugging him "it's alright they only live down the street I'm sure we can make playdates with them" "that's not it" he whispers out looking at M/N who was smiling brightly.

I look back at Masaki waiting for him to explain as he just holds my hand tighter "they don't deserve him, he's so sweet and all he gets is ignored or shouted at. I want to protect him keep him as ours" "we cant do that you know that" "I know" he pulls away from me sitting away from me making me frown as I never seen him like this but as I kept looking at M/N and Hikari I could see where he was coming from maybe he didn't need to go back.

Handing M/N back I told them he was an angel but they didn't care just dragging him home complaining making me sigh as I finished the plan I had I knew Masaki wasn't speaking to me as he just focused on Hikari which let me do the plan in peace I knew after this he'd be happy again and speak to me. Waiting all through the day and when it hit 10 at night I heard a knock on the door. Opening it I look at the officer holding the sleeping M/N "your Hiromu correct?" "I am" "thank you for the information we have arrested the parents and will be taking the young M/N to the orphanage" "I can take him, he's close to my son anyway if that's alright" "well you'll have to fill the paperwork tomorrow" "of course thank you"

Taking the sleeping M/N and the only bag they found that belonged to him as he had nothing else. I shut and lock the door walking into the living room where Masaki watches me confused "what's going on? why's M/N here?" "I reported the family and said we can look after him" "he's safe now" he smiles taking him off me moving his hair out his face "thank you Hiromu" "I had to hearing your words I knew I as well wanted him as mine and now he is no one will take him from us now"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now