Yandere Friday x Male Friend Reader (The Empire Of Corpses)

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M/N Pov

I wasn't so sure of Watson's plan on brining Friday back as I wasn't sure it would work how could it and I really didn't want to lose him all over again but Watson was determined so I left him to it just moving on my own way. However stirring my tea I turn to sit down only to see Watson there with Friday who was looking right at me holding his notebook and pen "you actually did it?" "I told you I would, he's back with us, kind of" I smile walking over to Friday smiling at him as he just blankly looked at me but I didn't mind he was still moving around which was a miracle.

Months past as I travelled with them but seems I caught a cold as I kept sniffling and coughing so I stayed further back not wanting Watson to get it but Friday kept stopping if he was ahead of me as he seemed determined to walk the same speed as me for some reason luckily I knew he couldn't catch it as he was already dead but still I was wary he could pass it on until I noticed he stayed back from Watson as well. "I think I'll stay in today" "alright Friday come with me" I was about to shut my eyes to finally rest when I heard a sigh making me open them to see Friday shaking his head as he moves closer to me "I'll be fine Friday go help Watson today" he hesitates but finally goes letting me sleep in peace.

However opening my eyes to see myself in Watson's house with the machine attached to me I started panicking as I see Friday going to a notebook checking certain wires "Friday, what are you doing? I'm not dying" he shakes his head writing something before showing me 'we belong together but first you need to join me on this side' I try and struggle but it was no good as he started everything making me join the side he was on.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now