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Welcome to book 5, there will be some changes so please pay attention to them, thank you.

I noticed not many request since I stopped the part 2 's so instead if you want a part 2 you must give me a plot thats the only way I will accept a part 2 because I think I end up repeating what I've wrote so if you provide me a plot for it then I'll happily accept but no more parts after 2 otherwise it takes over the book.

Now back to the old rules:

- Please only request up to 3 in a ago so I don't have millions to do.

- If you have a plot in mind please tell me with the request or say your typing one out so I know otherwise I could have wrote it and will need to start again.

- Please don't keep asking me when it will be finished because I'm working very hard with a laptop that about 6 years old so its very slow to type on it write now.

- DON'T comment about my grammar or spelling because I know it doesn't have the correct grammar but I cant do a lot about it as I am dyslexic and the way I write makes sense to me and if doesn't to you then don't read. Also don't comment mean things about writing or anyone else please.

- Please let me know where the character is from when requesting as there's more than one with that character name and I don't know them I'll need to do some research on the character you requested.

- No requesting real people such as Actors, youtubers, or singers etc as I do have people complain and will report me as it's happened before.

- Please don't request mpreg / lemon / smut as I do not write for it any more due to complaints and being reported so again can no longer do.

- I no longer take groups of people for a request as I get overwhelmed with the many different characters and If I don't know them I get stuck easily so I only accept 2 in one request for example I accept Yandere ?? x male reader Yandere ??. I don't accept something like all of the Hashira's.

- Remember to be polite when requesting as I'm polite to you so remember to do so please

- If there's a problem with your request or you don't like it let me know and I can re write it for you. If your just a reader and something offends you in the story just let me know so I can fix it instead of reporting me as I can easily fix it.

That's everything, so please follow these rules it's nice and simple. I thank you all for reading my others books if you have and I hope you continue to do so and for my lovely requesters I hope you continue to enjoy and request more but to everyone be safe and happy and take care of yourselves.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now