Yandere Kieran x Male Friend Reader (Pokemon Scarlet / Violet)

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M/N Pov

My first ever friend in the academy was Carmine and we got along well always battling to improve our pokemon but to me her company was relaxing even if she acted out some times I just thought it was cute. After a year I had came the BB champion as her younger brother Kieran just entered the academy making me meet him for the first time and he was the shyest, cutest thing I had seen I couldn't help but treat him like my younger brother as I did have one but he lived in another region.

However after they both came back from the festival I noticed how Kieran changed for the worst it made me worry especially when Carmine came to me crying as she had no idea what to do making me pet her telling her I had an idea. So when he battled me I lost on purpose letting him have the title hoping he would stop this madness of coming stronger but he just glared at me stomping his foot "you didn't try at all!" "I did, Kieran just stop this your the new BB champion alright isn't that what you wanted to prove to everyone your stronger."

I say to him but he just looked at me like he was confused but I paid no mind as I left with Carmine as ours days returned to the old ones exploring new pokemon free from being in the league. However that made Kieran mad and I didn't realize until he was in my dorm an angry look on his face "it's not fair" "what isn't?" "she's taking you away from me why can't you see that" "you mean Carmine well she is my friend" "no she isn't why does she get to have you and I don't" "what are you talking about Kieran?" "your mine why don't you understand that! I wont let her take you from me as well!" with that I never saw the pokemon sneaking up behind me to knock me out trapping me with Carmine's crazy brother.

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