Yandere Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Male Reader (Mashle)

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M/N Pov

I was one of the weaker students in the Orca dorm but I didn't mind as I wasn't so bothered about being the most powerful I just was just a curious person wanting to learn about it all so of course the history classes were my favourite and that's where I meet Mash who was an interesting character but I agreed to help him with his work as apparently I was the only one in his friend group who could dumb it right down to his level which I couldn't tell if that was a compliment or insult but I didn't bother thinking about it.

However recently I had Carpaccio following me around and I wasn't sure why because as soon as we entered here he deemed me as weak and told me he would never be friends with the likes of me making me a little sad he would just abdomen me like that so why was he here now following me around. I kept walking until the corridor was clear where I stop and turn towards him "what do you need Carpaccio?" "why are you hanging out with Mash?" "because he's my friend" "stop hanging out with him you don't belong with him" "you don't get the say of who I belong too"

With that I leave him stood there not feeling sorry for him as he didn't deserve my sympathy so I continued on with my peaceful life until I felt pain in my arm and as I placed my other hand on I noticed it was bleeding making me look at it confused until I remember who had this ability. Marching over to Carpaccio's dorm I slam the door open seeing him twirling the knife around in his fingers "well hello M/N" "what do you want?" "you as mine" "are you crazy im still weak remember" "I don't mind I'm strong enough for the both of us so be with me or I can keep causing you pain and if that doesn't work your friends will be a lovely substitute" "fine but you better leave them alone promise you will."

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