Yandere Yuki Hirai x Male Alpha Reader (Tadaima Okaeri)

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M/N Pov

Visiting my brother Masaki was something I always did as I cared for him unlike the rest of the family so I was glad he wasn't upset with me as well as when the whole fight went down I wasn't even there I was overseas studying. I knew for a fact his husband Hiromu had a problem with me so I just ignored him focusing on my brother and Hikari who I played with often. Meeting Yuki was awkward as he just stared at me like he wanted to murder me but I soon learned it's just his face making me laugh calling him cute not expecting him to blush and take it to heart.

Placing Hikari in his crib to sleep I turn to Yuki who was staring at me "your really good at looking after kids" "you think so? I guess its just naturally in me" "must be can I ask something?" "go on?" "your an alpha right?" I nodded not sure where this was going as he started getting nervous "so do you have your partner already?" "no it's a little hard when your only into guys not many like the idea" "I suppose so but would you consider having me" "you?" "yes as your mate" "I don't know really never thought of it I just think were good friends honestly"

Thinking that was the end I head up to bed sleeping peacefully until I felt a heavy weight on me but what really woke me up was the lick to my neck then the bite "Yuki what are you doing?" "you wont accept me it's not fair I want you as mine so I'll make you want me just as much" I try fight him but he just hugs me tightly still kissing and biting my neck making me weaker as I knew I couldn't resist him for long.

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