Yandere Luke x Male Reader (Street Fighter)

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Having trained all my life under my father's rule it wasn't a surprise that I was super strong and hard to defeat but recently I had a young man named Like challenging me over and over again but never beating me, it made me admire his determination and because of that I never thought he'd stop and actually be here for another reason "train me" "huh? What?" "Please it's obvious I can't beat you so please train me to be better" agreeing to help him knowing he did have good potential and I was glad I wasnt wrong.

As months past he got stronger and stronger making me feel like a proud father he was ready to battle the very best fighters. After our last training lesson I sat next to him as he kept gulping his drink down "I think your ready now" "really? I can't wait then" I gave him a smile before seeing a male come in that I would now train "whose that?" "My new student he's a lot like you. Determined" "oh but what about me?" "You've been taught all I can teach you, your ready to go out there on your own"

He just nodded and left with a quick goodbye but I never expected the next week to enter the gym seeing him beating my new student up he was barely moving with blood splattered all over the mat. "What the hell are you doing?! Get off him" ripping Like off him I try find a pulse on the guy but found nothing but as I was doing that I didn't notice him sneaking up on me before pinning me to ground using all his weight to keep me down "get off me Luke!" "How can you betray me I thought you liked me only it isn't fair he gets to take you away so I took care of him, now we can be together"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now