Yandere Hayato Suo x Male Reader (Wind Breaker)

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M/N Pov

Meeting Suo's friends was something I didn't want to do as I didn't see why I needed to but he dragged me along saying his future husband needed to know all his friends which made me huff as I never wanted this but our families arranged it when we were about 10 years old thanks to Suo's begging and even threatening but I never wanted it, I didn't even love him he was a friend and that was it. However he was so happy about this whole thing as I hated it, I begged him to change his mind but he just smiled telling me no before tapping my nose laughing.

Hearing the guys congratulate me I just glare making them gulp and look away "don't mind M/N he's always like that" "he doesn't look like he wants to marry you" I turn to Haruka who guessed it right "you aren't wrong I don't want this one bit" "now, now M/N don't be mean we both know your just as excited" I just get up and leave with him of course following with the stupid smile on his face. However half way through my walk he pushes me in an alleyway that's when I see his expression much darker now.

But I wasn't scared of him so I glared back up at him "what did I say about behaving?" "didn't listen" "your really trying my patience, I'm trying to be loving fiancé but you just wont accept me, why?" "you know why, just drop this arranged marriage please Suo" "I cant do that I love you so much M/N, I know you don't but you will I know you will I wonder if beating my love into you will make you understand some more." "don't" "then behave for me I already have to punish you for being so mean today" I nodded as he grins holding my tightly to him licking my neck as he started to slowly unbutton my shirt and I knew it would be a long night.

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