Yandere Male Surgeon x Male Kid Patient Reader

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Surgeon Name - Steven

Steven Pov
Hearing the rush come inside on my break I look at all the doctors stabilizing a young boy by the looks of it, watching as I sip my coffee waiting to see his information as I knew he'd be my patient as they normally get assigned to me. Thanking the nurse I read through his file nodding to myself as I should be simple but I honestly felt bad the poor guy got in a car accident his parents were also in here but who knew if they'd survive all I can do is focus on M/N.

Pulling the curtain back I give him a smile as he looks up from his plush confused "hi M/N, I'm Steven, a surgeon here" "wheres my nummy and daddy" "their a alright just really tired" he nods hugging his plush tighter "your in good hands M/N trust me" checking up on him daily after all I had to make sure my operation went well but it was something else I had this strong urge to protect him so he never needed up here again so hearing from the other nurses his parents would wake up soon I knew I had to act I couldn't hand him back to them it was clear they couldn't look after him.

At night with minimum staff I went into their room making sure they wouldn't wake back up before taking M/N out placing him in my spare bedroom smiling as he was safe now. Going in the next day I had to act surprised but in reality I didn't care as M/N was with me, i did tell him about them but he didn't understand and agreed to me being his new father I knew when he got older he could investigate it but I'd never let that tear us apart he couldn't leave here not now not ever.

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