Yandere Yakuza Lion Boss x Male Homeless Kid Reader

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Lion Name - Leon

Leon Pov
Hearing screaming down the hallway wasn't usual as everyone that dared crossed with me got tortured then killed. However it got closer and closer to my office and clearly a man was angry, one of my men surely. Staring at the man who looked annoyed glaring down at this young boy who looked scruffy it was clear he was homeless so I wasn't sure what was wrong here. "Well what did he do?" "He stole from me! So how are you going to punish him!" "Punish him? He's just a young boy" "I don't care I want this brat punished!"

Sighing I put my pen down looking at the scared boy "tell me what is your name? "M/N Sir" I nodded looking at the angry man "to think your easily tricked and robbed from I can't have that in my group. Take him to the cells" "what?! It was him not me!" I didn't say anything just knelt in front of M/N "do you have a home?" "No" "well then you can stay here with me" "really?!" "Of course anything you want you will receive only within reason of course." He grinned hugging me as he thanked me.

Turns out he was such a sweet boy always being polite and always trying to help the man who barged in my office was killed for even daring to touch him and anyone who looked him in the wrong way I dealt with as I wouldn't let anyone hurt him he was such a precious being. So when he said he wanted to go to school I was determined in saying no as I couldn't lose him out there other gangs and worse a partner would ruin him it's why I lied telling him how cruel the world was now and he believed in every little lie because why would his saviour lie.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن