Yandere Stan Marsh x Male Reader (South Park)

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M/N Pov

Glaring at Stan who kept looking at me then the ground "please stop glaring at me it's not my fault" "not your fault! are you crazy! this is your fault I'm being held prisoner by your crazy Wendy just for going to that café" "well how was I meant to know" "because your the one madly in love with her" "I promise we'll get out of here" I scoff turning around to lean on the wall resting my chained up wrist on the ground as I slowly fall asleep hoping this was all a dream.

Groaning as I was shaken awake I glare up at Wendy "what do you want?" "shh, please you need to listen to me. I never wanted to do this, Stand said this is how he was gonna get you to love him" "how do that make sense" "it doesn't he's crazy please get out when you can" Handing me the key I hide it leaning back on the wall as she leaves in a hurry. Turning to Stan who was waking up looking around before his eyes lock on me "are you still mad at me?" "I don't know what I am Stan" "you seem mad still" "because this is enjoyable" "s-sorry" "no it's fine I'm just tired" "get some more sleep I'll try convincing Wendy to let us go" I nodded shutting my eye focussing on the evening my breathing to pretend I was sleeping waiting for him to creep out.

As soon as the door shuts and open I get to work undoing the lock before climbing up to the window pushing it open before sliding my body out landing on the ground with a thump. Groaning I get up ready to run when I hear metal being dragged closer to me making me look up seeing a bloody Stan tilting his head to the side as he grins "where are you going M/N?" "nope, nope, nope not today" with that I take off running as he chases me never expecting him to throw the pip he was dragging along.

Hitting my head I fall to the ground in pain I look up as he stood over me a knife in his hand "your not leaving me M/N, we belong together" "Stan please, you need help" "I just need you just as you need me" "I don't" "shh I know you love me the same M/N, Wendy's not in the way anymore" "you killed her?" "of course we needed to do this for us"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now