Yandere Peter Pan X Male Soulmate Reader (Peter Pan 1953)

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M/N Pov
My parents told me all about their journey together they were soulmates making me fascinated and wanting the same as them but as a young boy I gave up the idea when I haven't found someone with the same mark as me leaving me to think they didn't exist which wa disappointing but I just had to find someone the hard way as I knew I could still do it that way just a lot harder as it was rare. However as ai was silently studying i hear Wendy and her brothers rushing in liking excited "shh! Your not meant to be loud in here" "sorry but come with us" "for what?" "You'll see" I just nodded letting them drag me to their house and into their bedroom where I liked around confused.

With another glance around the room I spot a male on the bed staring right at me "M/N this is Peter we wanted you to meet him as you both got that same mark" "we do?" I ask surprised as he shows me his wrist letting me see the same pattern that was on mine "you know what this means M/N you finally found your soulmate" "I guess"

Not sure about the thing i left shortly after learning a bit about him but every night he came to see me telling me Moe and more and I was curious but I didn't want to leave my family so I refused to go with him. Until tonight entering the house noticing no one was here "anyone here?!" "Welcome home M/N" "Peter? Where's my parents?" "Their...somewhere so now will you come with me?" "I'll just wait for them" "their not coming back I made sure of it so now you have no reason to not come live with me, where meant to be after all we are soulmates"

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