Yandere CEO Alhaitham x Male Shy Innocent Cook Reader (Genshin Impact)

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Alhaitham Pov
Working as the CEO for a company wa hard work but I learned well from my father I knew to get rid of the people that slacked on the job and who to fully trust. My secretary is one he knew just what I liked and did well to follow my orders until today he walked in with some pastries I didn't recognise "what's this? I don't believe these are my usual" "uh well their not but my friend runs this new bakery and he's really good so I thought you'd like to try them" "if these are bar you will be fired" "of course sir"

Chewing on the pastry I couldn't like they were pretty good making me get the place name from him as I wanted to meet this famous M/N. Seeing a young man working in the back not seeming to be paying attention as he focused on kneading the dough in front of him. Spotting a bell I rang it making him jump up as he rushed to the front "s-sorry I didn't hear you, how can I help you" "are you M/N?" "I am" "good I want to make a big order as your food is the best"

After that day I visited him often talking about everything and anything but I saw he seemed to blush when this girl walked in making me annoyed and seeing him laugh with her I knew she had to go and so she did. But he still wasn't mine making me take more Action. "So what did you need to speak about" "I want you as mine" "I-I'm sorry I don't feel the same" "I thought you might say that so here's what's going to happen if you refuse me, I will ruin this business leaving you with nothing and it'll get worse from there" "I-I...alright I'll be yours" "good choice" "I can keep this business right?" "Hmm...no I'll get someone to take over it until you love me fully then I'll think about letting you back there.

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