Yandere Fatal Error Sonic x Male Reader (Fatal Files)

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M/N Pov
Everyone was worried for Sonic as he wasn't acting himself no matter how much he tried faking it so of course we asked the creator to try fix him but looks they had no idea what to do either so until he was fixed we stayed clear of him of course I was sad as he was one of my best friends so leaving all alone when there was still some of the original sonic there it was unbearable. Weeks past and some idiot game character spread a rumour he was a huge virus and was gonna spread to every game here.

That caused everyone not to dare enter their world staying in their own but one day hearing the creator saying they were going to have to delete him all together and I knew that wasn't a good thing to say. Hearing a horrific scream I knew Sonic wasn't himself it was now the Fatal Error Sonic he got out and was enraged. Watching game by game getting destroyed as he ate all codes for them making it impossible to play, fearing every time he got closer "what are we going to do M/N!?" "I don't know we can't just leave" "we can hide" I nodded agreeing with her as we found hiding spots just as he broke the door down.

Holding my breathe as he walked past my spot but hearing my name in a creepy tone I wasn't expecting but that just wasn't it because soon after that he had my friend up in the air laughing before eating her making me close my eyes scared. There was a few creaks before it's to silent, opening my eyes only to scream as he was there "found you M/N" I try to run past him but he grabs by my ankle towering over me "don't worry M/N your important to me so I won't completely destroy you just the parts that risk you leaving me" in the end I just sat not willing to do anything as he stripped all that away making sure Id only obey him.

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