Yandere Craig Tucker x Male Reader (South Park)

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M/N Pov

Sipping on my coffee as I sat in the café Tweek's parent's owned watching him and Craig talking about something making me wonder what the point was in inventing me here. Getting bored of their interaction I take my phone out texting Kyle instead as we started another whole debate which would take until one fell asleep to win but the things we came up were completely bizarre. "who you texting?" jumping I look at Craig who was smirking at me "don't scare me like that! and Kyle" "Kyle? why?" "uh because I can?" I question raising an eyebrow at him as he just drinks his drink angry.

Since then he had been angry and Kyle told me he started picking on him leaving me so confused in what was wrong with him, telling Kyle I'll talk to him or better yet get Tweek to surly he could get through to his boyfriend. Deciding to leave it a few days making sure it wasn't just an off few days for him. Turns out it wasn't and just as I was gonna get Tweek to sort him out he had been found dead leaving it up to me to sort him out.

Angrily knocking on his door making him open up just to stick his finger out at me "let me in" with a nod he lets me past as I stand in the living room arms crossed "your gonna tell me what your problem is?" "I don't have one" "yeah sure, so why are you bullying Kyle? he didn't do anything to you" "I'm not" "I'm not stupid" "I disagree" "excuse me?" "you heard me. If you were smart you would of figured out I love you not Tweek or even the fact I did everything for us to be together but no your to stupid to see that" "did what?" "you know" "I don't know Craig, your not making sense" "I killed them, Butters, Tweek, Eric" "just so we could be together" "yeah but now Kyle is in the way so he'll be going next" "don't you dare touch him!" "then be mine just mine you don't need them" "you promise to leave Kyle alone" "yes" "then I guess I'm all yours.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now