Yandere Ronne x Male Elf Reader (Black Clover)

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M/N Pov

Sighing as everyone was staring at Ronne confused as they couldn't hear him as all he did was mutter to himself really and I was the only one that could understand what he was saying "he's telling you to attack on the south not the north" "huh? how can you understand that" "I'm an elf I have sharp hearing" they nodded discussing the plan as I just sit there not seeing Ronne stare at me in wonder. Heading to the place I sit in a tree waiting with my bow and arrows concentrating on the road until I I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Cursing I turn ready to attack only to see Ronne making me calm down "please don't do that again" "sorry" "what is you want?" "how did you really hear me?" "I told you how" "that can't be true they were wiped out" "not everyone was I wasn't in the village when it happened" he nods looking down at the ground before looking up at me "can you be my friend?" "sure" I say giving him a smile making him smile in return. That was the start of out wonderful friendship and I hoped it'd stay that way but if I really knew his feelings deep down.

I was stuck and I had no idea all I did was go to sleep only to awake in some weird tower that was surrounded in magic making it impossible for me to get out no matter what and even worse my grimoire was gone leaving me completely defenseless. Banging on the door cursing whoever had trapped me here when I hear a chuckle come from behind me, turning I see Ronne sitting down staring right at me "you cant do any of that here I made sure of it" "you're the one who's locked me up here. Why?" "you fascinate me I cant help myself from wanting you" "let me out Ronne this is wrong you know this" "I know but I cant stop I want you as mine even as I drain every bit of magic out of you to make sure I have complete control of you after all I cant risk you getting out."

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora