Yandere Freddy Kruger x Male Patient Reader

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M/N Pov
Since I could remember I had been in the hospital ever since the fire all those years ago leaving me in critical condition and a life time in the hospital the sad thing was I knew who caused the fire and that was my friend Freddy he talked about it for ages wanting to make a big thing happen where everyone would remember him and they will now as last I heard they wanted him dead I can't say I know if they got him or not as they don't tell me anything then again they probably couldn't remember me.

However today was different as I kept shivering even though it was super warm like something was staring right at me freaking me out. Finally falling asleep I look around wondering where my dream was going to lead me to when I see him right there laughing "Freddy? You're still alive" "of course I am, those fouls won't get me" "well why are you here? Finishing the job?" "No I'm here to make you mine finally" "I don't want to" "your not getting the say" with a Final laugh he vanishes. Letting me wake up I look around the room seeing it look normal letting me calm down as maybe it was just some weird dream.

That however wasn't the case as every time I went to sleep he was there and the more annoying thing was I kept sleeping more not able to handle the new medication though the nurses said it wasn't that as they had no side effects meaning he was putting me to sleep. Glaring at him as he smirked at me "you Seem a little annoyed" "stop this Freddy" "then be mine agree to that and ill end this suffering" "fine just stop" he laughs hugging me tightly and soon i learned that i never woke up as he kept me in the dream state forever.

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