Yandere Wally West x Male Soulmate Reader (Young Justice)

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M/N Pov
Finding your soulmate was everything here and if you didn't have a mark or not found them you were deemed a freak so I was pretty glad I had found mine in the first year of highschool. Wally West. He was everything I wanted so I was glad he was my soulmate, well at least for the first few years because then he turned weird making me question this whole soulmate thing. Could it be changed? Did you have to stay with them. The normal things because I wasn't sure he was the man I fell in love with anymore he was so different.

I knew his secret of course of being the kid flash which I understood and looked after him of he came home injured even if he wasn't I looked after him wanting to spend some time with him before he had to go and do another job. However of right now he kept saying to not leave how there was someone after me, at first I listened until I carried on for 2 months I had enough and left not wanting to be stuck inside all my life, soulmate or not he doesn't get the say.

Returning later than normal as my friends wanted to hang out more as it was rare we meet up so I'm not surprised to see Wally looking so mad "where were you" "out with a few friends of mime like i said id be" "i told you not to leave this apartment" "and i told you im not keeping myself locked up" "M/M please just listen I really don't want to hurt you" "you are by keeping me a prisoner here why are you so paranoid?" "Because I know the real world you don't and that's why if you're not gonna listen I will lock you inside"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora