Yandere Randy Orlando x Male Reader (Trials Of Series)

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M/N Pov
Watching Randy as he was flirting once again with the bar waitress who clearly had no interest in him as it was clear she was married but he didn't see that and still tried his luck with her making me amused watching as she finally told him when annoyed and making his smile turn into a frown before he came to me flipping himself down on the stool next to me "rejected again" "you know how it is, they can't handle me" "Randy, it was clear she was married" "was not!" "Uh huh sure" "what about you?"

I stare at him confused before he answers "are you married" "not yet no" "so you have someone in mind" "yeah F/N I'm gonna ask her out when I come home" "oh her" "something wrong?" I asked as I didn't hear what he mumbled but he just smiled and said nothing. From then everything seemed to go back to normal but in reality there was a storm was swirling inside him. One night I woke up confused as my surroundings were no longer my tent i was now in a building. I try to get out but notice the chain keeping me at a certain distance.

Sitting on the ground trying everything to pull my ankle out but it was no use the chain wouldn't budge sending my frustration through the roof. Stopping all movement when I hear footsteps approach me I look at the gate to see Randy making em sigh relieved "finally you need to get me out of here" "why?" "What do you mean why?" "Well it took forever to get you in here so why would I let you out, you're not ready" "ready for what?" "To love me until then your staying in there."

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now