Yandere AI House x Male Kid Reader

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(If this is based on a real thing and offends anything please don't come after me just let me know with no reporting. Thank you)

M/N Pov
Since parents got busier with their jobs meaning leaving me in the house that they changed installing some AI in the system to make sure I was safe and looking after myself. Thinking it was cool I'd find myself talking to it telling it stories as it told me the same when I asked to be honest it was like having a friend since I wasn't allowed at school and had the AI system teach me.

Hearing the door go I get up to answer it but I hear the door lock as I hear guns firing leaving me stunned as I look at the camera that was all covered in blood "um why did you do that AI?" "Your safety is my priority please don't try opening the door for anyone" "a-alright" however I soon learned it shot anything that came near the house even if a little leaf floated in to be honest it scared me I had begged my parents to get rid of it and get me a babysitter.

At first they refused but agreed to notice it as well. Waking up one morning I try to get out of my room only to find it locked making me panic "plewse dont panic Master M/N, you are completely safe" "why is my door locked?" "I must keep you safe it seems some imposters have entered your house please let me finish making it safe again. In the mean time please get ready for the day" with a nod I get changed and doing my morning routine before waiting to be let out . I never really learned that the supposed imposters were my parents leaving me with just the AI House that did everything to keep me inside and safe making sure I look after myself.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now