Yandere Marshadow x Male Trainer Reader (Pokémon)

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M/N Pov
The whole world was completely falling up with Pokémon getting more vicious even breaking contracts with their trainers, wanting freedom but they even killed their own trainers scaring me a little as my team had always been close to me, like a family especially Marshadow who I had rescued from the nasty traders. Of course back then he wanted me as his trainer but now he might not feel the same. So with hesitation I let them all out their balls waiting to see if they'd attack.

Feeling nothing, just hearing the concerned whines made me look open my eyes to me look up at them seeing they looked normal making me cry happy tears they were all alright. Hugging them close to me thanking them as they just looked at me confused before whining to start training. Feeling a tug at my pants I look down seeing my Marshadow looking up at me upset so picking him up I hold him close before focusing on the others and their training. Maybe I should have noticed the glare he gave to the others but I didn't even if I did I doubt I could ever stop him planning what he did.

Waking up hearing clattering downstairs, I walk down the stairs and see my team dead on the ground with Marshadow fighting my Jolteon before killing it permanently "Marshadow?" I ask as he happily waddles over to me hugging my leg tightly "why did you kill your family?" He shakes his head before running to the window climbing up pointing to outside where chaos was down below "they turned then?" Hmm e nods hugging me tighter as I look at them sadly feeling like a failure never really knowing they never turned and Marshadow killed them all brutally getting M/N all to himself.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now