Yandere Guy Crimson x Male Reader (Tensei Shitara Slime)

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Guy Crimson Pov
Receiving a letter to say to meet up with the L/N son was something of a surprise as I wasn't expecting it and least to marry this guy but then I heard about the rumours of this guy's beauty always wearing some shade of lipstick to match his white dress he loved so much along with styling his long white hair to what he wanted, it was clear he got his beauty off his mother and that's what interested me however there was a downside as he was frail and weak meaning he stayed in most of the time and avoided the sunlight saying it hurt him to much which made sense since the sun's heat would need his ice powers up but even so I knew I had to meet this guy no matter what.

Reaching the manor and meeting the father was normal but I really wanted to meet M/N so when he said I could I bowed leaving excited to finally meet this beauty however I stop seeing a family portrait noticing the Crescent moon in his eyes making them stand out he really did take my breathe away which made this even more exciting. Checking every room until I spotted a male standing there barefoot and blindfold over his eyes but looking in my direction. "Who are you?" "Guy Crimson, at your service" "hmm I don't know you, are a friend of fathers perhaps" "well not really, were to married" "i don't think so, im leaving this place" "just because you're marrying?" "Exactly I want my freedom and I will achieve my goals"

Storming over to him I whirl him around ripping the blindfold off seeing his eyes look up at me in shock but I don't care as I lean in kissing him taking by surprise as he tries pushing me off him then using his powers but it'd never work as I just kiss him with more force until we need air "your perfect for me i cant wait to marry you" "please don't make me" "i will, only you are worthy of being mine"

(I think you intended on the reader if being a female but since it's a male x Male I had to change it I hope it's still alright for you)

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now