Yandere Yukan No Shonen x Male Reader (Lomando.com)

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M/N Pov
All everyone one was on about was this game where you played while being followed by a young ghost boy that goes by the name Yukan No Shonen. I wasn't sure I believed it even as I watched famous people play the game I just thought it was the game not a real thing like my friends were saying just before they vanished. I didn't bother trying to find them as I thought they wanted to scare me with this supposed ghost boy however lately I felt colder and no matter how much I wrapped up I didn't warm up.

Even now sitting in my chair editing my video I kept shivering looking behind me as I felt a gaze behind me making me spin every few minutes to see nothing until this time I saw my door open. Blinking I turn back to the monitor sliding my headphones back on concentrating on N the video when I notice it in my camera the boy that was meant to be in game was right behind me. Looking closer when I jump hearing my cat hiss at something, walking down seeing the cat staring at nothing "uh Mittens there's nothing there"

Getting ignored I turn to leave until I spot the boy right here in front of me "your not real" "I am" "well what do you want?" "Yo uh should know" "I don't" "didn't you find the bodies I left for you" "bodies?" "Your friends I killed them and left you something with them" "I didn't even know they were dead!" I shout throwing some salt as he stops there confused before laughing "that won't do anything my dear M/N, you can't escape me, you're all mine now how exciting don't you think" "no, go away there's no way your here" I say scared but he moves fast towards me holding my wrist making me shiver with how cold his hand is just as the my vision of the room changed and soon I found myself in another dimension, a one I wouldn't escape.

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