Yandere M. Bison x Male Scientist Reader (Street Fighter)

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M/N Pov
Researching new things has always been a thing I enjoyed since I was a young boy studying all sorts of animals learning how they lived. But now as an adult I now studied people and Thier powers and my recent one was the one and only M. Bison was an interesting figure, didn't talk much just glared at me as I watched him train with my notebook. I really thought he'd never warm up to me and keep a conversation going but he did 4 months later asking me questions back which I answered happily.

This past week I was writing the final documents up about M.Bison when the man I charge came in with another profile "hows it going with M. Bison and his psycho powers?" "It's been good I've pretty much included it all" "good timing I found someone you can study" looking over it I grin telling Him I'm certainly interested in him. Letting him leave never knowing of the eavesdropper at the door angry thinking I was going to leave him. Weeks had passed and he seemed to get more clingy confusing me and the day I was gonna question him ended up the worst day of the year.

Opening my office I freeze staring at the mess of my office, the fireplace on with paper burning so rushing to the files checking what exactly the robber was here for I soon learned it was both my new research task and all my hard work on M. Bison. Hearing my name I turn to the very man "what happened?" "Is there any chance I can re-study you?" "well I guess you can" "thank you." Turning away ready to begin never seeing the smirk on his face or the plan he had for me.

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