Elemental Magnetic Star

By Julienxuxu

267 140 0

1. In the distant future, Earth is ruled by a newly born intelligence of technology, reducing humanity to a m... More

Chapter1 The Origin of Elemental Magnetism (Prologue)
Chapter 2 Reborn in the Water Realm
Chapter 3 The Guardian of the City of Benevolence
Chapter 4 First Exploration of Celestial Domain
Chapter 5 The Golden Avenue
Chapter 6 The Head of the Scholar's Pavilion
Chapter 7 The Illusory Splendor
Chapter 8 The Golden-Silver Ocean
Chapter 9 The Depths of the Endless Sea
Chapter 10 Temporary Refuge in the Waters
Chapter 11 Awakening in Rebirth
Chapter 12 Past Events at West Shrine
Chapter 13 Reunion at the Cliff
Chapter 14 Reminiscences at the Edge Cave
Chapter 15 'Fleeting Life' as if in a Dream
Chapter 16 The Dying Wish
Chapter 17 Who Rescues Whom
Chapter 18 At the Water-Earth Inn
Chapter 19 Outside the Leisure Tower
Chapter 20 Weaving the Elemental Magnetic Web
Chapter 21 The White Falcon
Chapter 22 The Scallop Messenger
Chapter 23 Journey to the Earth Realm
Chapter 24 The Flicker Shadow
Chapter 25 The Free People's Tribe
Chapter 26 What Is Freedom
Chapter 27 The Three-Year Promise
Volume 2: Verdant Thistle Forest Chapter 28 Entering Verdant Thistle
Chapter 29 The Free People Tribe
Chapter 30 Strategist White Lightning
Chapter 31 Flowing Emerald Creek
Chapter 32 The Vanishing Mist
Chapter 33 Newcomer on Patrol
Chapter 34 Among the Giant Trees
Chapter 35 The Death in the Ice Mist
Chapter 36 First Encounter with Terra Grove
Chapter 37 The Secret of the Valley
Chapter 38 Terra Grove Qin Jia
Chapter 39 The Sanctuary of Saint Arlinwood
Chapter 40 Terra Grove and WeeStick
Chapter 41 Elemental Ancestor Fruit
Chapter 42 Autumn in Verdant Thistle Forest
Chapter 43 Trapped in the Abyss
Chapter 44 The Power of the Crystal Eyes
Chapter 45 Elemental Magnetic Chaos
Chapter 46 The Azure Phoenix
Chapter 47 Departure from the Abyss
Chapter 48 Snow and Hot Spring
Chapter 49 Black Panther Lightning
Chapter 50 Fortunate for You
Chapter 51 Return to the Tribe
Chapter 52 Return of Flicker Shadow
Chapter 53 Companion by Your Side
Chapter 54 Confrontation in the Valley
Chapter 55 Sudden Turn of Events
Chapter 56 The Mystery of the Origin
Chapter 57 The Illusion of Reality
Chapter 58 Parting Once Again
Chapter 59 Initial Attempt
Chapter 60 Rebuilding the Homestead
Chapter 61 The Future of the Tribe
Chapter 62 When Will You Return
Chapter 63 Two Years in the Jungle
Chapter 64 The Attack of the Colorful Spider
Chapter 65 The Poison of the Colorful Spider
Chapter 66 The Difference Between Men and Women
Chapter 67 The Fierce Poison of Passion
Chapter 68 Ineffable Grudges and Favors
Chapter 69 Elemental Magnetic Power
Chapter 70 White Lightning and Crimson
Chapter 71 Thoughts of the Tribe
Chapter 72 Elemental Magnetic Marsh
Chapter 73 Terra Grove Forest
Chapter 74 Posture of the Terra Grove
Chapter 75 Unsettled Dispute
Chapter 76 Departing Hearts and Morals
Chapter 77 Survival Conspiracy
Chapter 78 No Escape
Chapter 79 Nowhere to Belong
Chapter 80 Soaring to the Skies
Chapter 81 The Lord of Celestial Balance Fortress
Chapter 82 Prosperous Gathering
Chapter 83 Talks of Love
Chapter 84 natural rights
Chapter 85 Two Paths Forward
Chapter 86 The Contract
Chapter 87 Searching for Flame Wave
Chapter 88 Lin of the Bamboo Family
Chapter 89 Luminous Harmony's Vision
Chapter 90 The Wood Alliance Warehouse
Chapter 91 The Matter of Weaving
Chapter 92 Divine Skills
Chapter 93 Horizontina
Chapter 94 Airship
Chapter 95 Pine Mist Mountain and River
Chapter 96 Flight Malfunction
Chapter 97 The Sorcerer Enforcer
Chapter 98 Accidental Collision
Chapter 99 A New Beginning
Chapter 100 Joy in the Water
Chapter 101 Indifference to Staying or Leaving
Chapter 102 Female Textile Workers
Chapter 103 Silver Tan Himself
Chapter 104 Azure Phoenix and WeeStick
Chapter 105 The Bamboo Family Patriarch
Chapter 106 Bamboo Slips
Chapter 107 A Direct Confrontation
Chapter 108 Pre-departure Arrangements
Chapter 109 A Bloody Lesson
Chapter 110 Life's Puzzle
Chapter 111 The Wind Rises in Pine Mist
Chapter 112 Adding Fuel to the Fire
Chapter 113 Accumulating Strength for Greatness
Chapter 114 Sky Domain Families
Chapter 115 The Birds Worship the Phoenix
Chapter 116 A Temporary Visit to the Bamboo Family
Chapter 117 Eager Visits
Chapter 118 The Call of Death
Chapter 119 Legends of the Sky Domain
Chapter 120 The Gate to the Celestial Domain
Chapter 121 Wings Aligned in Flight
Chapter 122 Morning Dew and Countless Stars
Chapter 123 Mission Memory
Chapter 124 The Best Perspective
Chapter 125 Illusionary Splendor as a Dream
Chapter 126 Fragrance of Mystic Orchid Berry
Chapter 127 The Eight Treasures Talisman
Chapter 128 The Pale Jade Tree
Chapter 129 The Dragon's Reverse Scale
Chapter 130 Lost in Thought
Chapter 131 Journey to the City of Benevolence
Chapter 132 The Contrary White Falcon
Chapter 133 Entering the Library
Chapter 134 Original Intentions Questioned
Chapter 136 The Illusory Splendor of the Lustrous Opal
Chapter 137 The Gold and Silver Mirage
Chapter 138 WeeStick's Nightmare
Chapter 139 Terra Grove and Ocean Grove
Chapter 140 The Nuwa System
Chapter 141 Sky Whisper Spirit Fin
Chapter 142 The Temptation of the Gold and Silver Sea
Chapter 143 The Whirlpool of Desire
Chapter 144 Redemption of the Sea
Chapter 145 The Nuwa Control Center
Chapter 146 The Forbidden Gold and Silver
Chapter 147 Choosing History
Chapter 148 Past Events of the Celestial Domain
Chapter 149 Revisiting Old Places
Chapter 150 The Maze of the Past
Chapter 151 Floating Ropes in the Void
Chapter 152 An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 153 The Ship's Secret Chamber
Chapter 154 The Legend of Ocean Bloom
Chapter 155 If Only It Were the First Meeting
Chapter 156 Mutual Admiration
Chapter 157 The Substitute, Willow Wood
Chapter 158 Endless Sea Waters
Chapter 159 Intertwined like Water
Chapter 160 Destiny Smiles
Volume 5 The Abyss of Elemental Magnetism Chapter 161 The Beauty of Seasons
Chapter 162 Abyss's Call
Chapter 163 Originating from the Abyss
Chapter 164 Fearless and Undaunted
Chapter 165 Falling into the Abyss
Chapter 166 The Hexagram
Chapter 167 Eternal Darkness
Chapter 168 Desires of Food and Love
Chapter 169 The Portal
Chapter 170 Tears of the Abyss
Chapter 171 Eternal Soul Form
Chapter 172 Silver Sand Labyrinth
Chapter 173 Desert Spirit
Chapter 174 The Crystal Clear Pillar
Chapter 175 The Abyssal Prisoner
Chapter 176 Years Pass By Like A Shuttle
Chapter 177 Stars Illuminate
Chapter 178 Willow Wood Reappears
Chapter 179 The Eye of the Abyss
Chapter 180 The Reunion at Last
Chapter 181 The Marsh of Ice and Fire
Chapter 182 Crossing the Canyon
Chapter 183 Stranded in the Abyss
Chapter 184 The Mist of Ice and Fire
Chapter 185 The Ice Crystal Worm
Chapter 186 The Viscous Space
Chapter 187 The Corpse of Silver Tan
Chapter 188 Willow Wood and Luminous Harmony
Chapter 189 The Mist of the Bridal Chamber
Chapter 190 Where My Heart Belongs
Chapter 191 The Painting of Time
Chapter 192 Running Free
Chapter 193 The Battle Between Gods and Humans
Chapter 194 Restoring Destiny
Chapter 195 Gazing at the Stars
Chapter 196 Crisis of Survival
Chapter 197 The Chosen One
Chapter 198 The Ice-Fire Dragon
Chapter 199 The Abyssal Mystery
Chapter 200 The Abyss at Last

Chapter 135 The Power of the Lotus

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By Julienxuxu

The library, although rich in books, was not an ideal place for conversation, especially not the kind Auric Forest sought with Raina Grace, filled with poetic beauty and profound emotion. Therefore, he invited her to the Gold Realm under the pretense of sharing a new discovery, wanting to discuss it with her.

The Gold Realm served as Auric Forest's office and a place for official business, so it did not arouse Raina's suspicion or resistance. This was where Auric Forest's cleverness lay.

"Try my special 'Golden Dragon Brocade'. Based on the formula developed in the Silver Realm, I've added the scent of lotus, which suits you perfectly," Auric Forest warmly offered, presenting a tea he seldom shared, reserved for moments of reminiscing about Rainy Cherry, as it was her favorite flavor.

Raina, not usually a tea drinker, became interested upon hearing it was scented with lotus. She followed Flame Wave's example, first savoring the aroma before carefully tasting it, allowing the warm liquid to touch every part of her tongue, discerning the subtle differences.

"Do you like the flavor?" Auric Forest asked, full of hope.

Raina, who loved all scents related to nature, was particularly moved by the lotus, stirring memories from her childhood. She closed her eyes, as if she could hear the breeze rustling through lotus leaves and smell the fragrance diffusing through the air.

After a careful tasting, though not an expert in tea, Raina used her sensitivity to elemental magnetic power to comment, "The lotus fragrance is clear and lasting, the combination of wood and metal deepens the flavor, making it relentless and compelling."

This tea was indeed unique, evoking the essence of the lotus and transporting one to the edge of a lotus pond. Unfortunately, its strong flavor also felt rushed and overly spicy. Raina slightly frowned, as if searching for the secret behind the taste. Her acute sense of taste could detect subtle changes, but she chose not to share her deeper thoughts with Auric Forest.

Auric Forest was pleasantly surprised by Raina's critique, aligning closely with his own. He silently admired her focus and attention to detail, fantasizing for the first time about finding a partner with similar experiences in the mysterious Celestial Domain—a rare connection.

"Your perception is truly remarkable," Auric Forest expressed, wishing to show his own sensitivity, "Your description is not only accurate but also captures the subtle changes and emotions."

"Emotions?" Raina was surprised, not realizing she was describing emotions, "This tea contains no emotions, only a strong force of control."

Auric Forest paused, reflecting on whether his longing for Raina Cherry was not about emotion but control, or perhaps regret over past things he couldn't control.

This was a new perspective for him, and he found the conversation increasingly interesting. "Whether it's about emotions or power, both seek to have an impact and return something. It's the same goal from different paths."

Raina, hearing someone equate emotions with power for the first time, chose not to comment, feeling she didn't understand either well enough.

Seeing Raina's silence, perhaps mistaking it for shyness about emotions, Auric Forest continued, "Everyone seeks their own significance, whether through the warmth of emotions or the control of power, ultimately to leave their unique mark in the world. I believe there's no clear boundary between emotions and power. Sometimes, emotions themselves are a form of power, and power can foster profound emotions."

For Raina, both emotions and power were complex concepts. She didn't believe in a fixed pattern to achieve what one desires, noting that pursuing them could lead to losing oneself and forgetting one's original intentions.

Wishing to move on, she asked, "So, Auric Forest, what's this new discovery about the Gold and Silver Sea?"

Auric Forest, initially enjoying the mood, felt a bit displeased by the sudden shift but didn't show it—knowing Raina might not notice anyway due to her straightforwardness.

"I know others are investigating the origin of the Gold and Silver Sea. I sought them out, asking for their insights, and after persistent requests and promising to do three things for them, they reluctantly agreed," Auric Forest shared without lying, referring to his negotiation with Silver Tan based on completing three tasks for them.

"So, did they reveal the origin of the Gold and Silver Sea?" Raina asked, puzzled by Auric Forest's hesitant speech.

Auric Forest intended to highlight his efforts and hoped for Raina's gratitude by showing he had gone to great lengths. However, Raina's direct approach left him without a chance to elaborate further.

"Not so fast," he replied, not wanting to give away the information directly, especially since he only had guesses and not concrete answers. In his exchange with Silver Tan, he noticed their urgency and determination to obtain the Azure Phoenix. If he could secure the Azure Phoenix, it would give him a significant bargaining chip with Silver Tan. "I've shared your goal with them, but they wish to know for whom you intend to remove the abyssal power. They also wish to meet this person."

Raina's arrival in the Celestial Domain on the Azure Phoenix was widely known, despite Flame Wave's efforts to keep it under wraps. Thus, almost everyone was aware of her relationship with the Azure Phoenix. Raina openly admitted, "It's the Azure Phoenix. It has been tainted with abyssal power."

The Azure Phoenix fascinated many, who desired a glimpse of the divine bird, but its residence in the Azure and White Forest deterred most curiosity-seekers. Few could freely enter the forest, and the Azure Phoenix had ways to avoid them, so Raina wasn't worried about her honesty causing any disturbance.

"Oh, the divine Azure Phoenix," Auric Forest responded, carefully managing his expression to show neither too much surprise nor ignorance, needing only Raina's confirmation. "Is it willing to meet outsiders?"

He half-jokingly added, "The Azure Phoenix's fame precedes it, but since Miss Raina arrived with it in the Celestial Domain, it seems no one has seen it. Is it because of the Azure Phoenix's pride, or does Miss Raina prefer not to display her treasure?"

"There's no need," Raina replied, puzzled, "The Azure Phoenix isn't here for show."

Auric Forest was momentarily speechless, then nodded in agreement. He inquired further, "But now, for the sake of the Gold and Silver Sea, could it deign to meet someone?"

"Why?" Raina asked, "They merely have information about the Gold and Silver Sea. Does that make it theirs? Does everyone seeking the Gold and Silver Sea need their approval?"

"Not... exactly," Auric Forest struggled to maintain his smile, "It's because... they wish to meet the Azure Phoenix out of a sense of responsibility, not just anyone seeking to enter the Gold and Silver Sea." He quickly thought of an excuse, almost misspeaking.

"Responsibility?" Raina still didn't understand, believing one should be responsible for oneself, with others only needing to provide accurate information. However, she didn't wish to argue further, "Then I can only ask the Azure Phoenix. It's for it to decide."

"Good, good," Auric Forest dared not make further requests, fearing complications.

He didn't want complications, but outside the door, Jadelle, who had been listening, found Raina's precise and guarded speech challenging to penetrate. Frowning, she contemplated a new strategy.

Raina had already noticed someone outside but didn't mind since the conversation wasn't secretive, and as the host, Auric Forest showed no concern. Thus, she didn't dwell on it.

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