Nearly Caught

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Spencer's POV:

It's around 8:40 AM, and I'm waiting for my boyfriend, Toby, to come pick me up for school.

I grab my phone to text him, when there was a knock on the door and then it opened.

"Hey." He smiles, walking towards me and kissing me.

"I was just about to text you." I say with a smile, hugging him tightly. "Ready to go?" He asks, leaning in and whispering in my ear.

"We don't have to go yet if you don't want to.." He whispers, kissing my cheek and I bite my lip. I take his hand, pulling him over to the island.

I jump up on the island, wrapping my legs around Toby and pulling him closer. Things begin to escalate very quickly, and my hands reach for the bottom of his shirt.

"Wait, Toby, we really need to go to school. My mom would kill me if she found out I skipped off for this." I giggle, as he kisses down my neck and pulls my top over my head.

"But do you really want to go?" He asks, and kisses me again. I shake my head, and he begins to walk upstairs to my room, while I'm still completely attached to him.

We kiss on the way up, when I stop him.

"How about we get a shower?" I smirk, and he nods excitedly, walking towards the bathroom.

I jump off of him, and turn on the water as he attempts to remove my clothes. He unclasps my bra, and moves his hands down to the waistband of my jeans.

He reaches for the front, slowly unbuttoning them and unzipping them for me.

Soon, the rest of our clothes were discarded around the house, and the two of us got into the shower.

~after the shower

Once our very long shower was finished, we both wrapped a towel around ourselves. "Okay, now that that's over with," I say and he smirks, "we should probably get ready for school." I say walking out of the bathroom, and he follows directly behind me.

He kisses down my neck and then my shoulder, attempting to pull the towel down. "God, Toby, you know I want to do this too but we can get into so much trouble for skipping." I whisper, turning around to face him.

"What if I told you I know a guy who can remove our absences for the day?" He whispers and my eyes light up. "Wait, can you really?" I ask and he nods, kissing my exposed neck.

"What the hell." I say, removing my towel and reaching my hands down to his waist to remove his.

I lay on the bed, Toby hovering over me. He begins to kiss down my chest, then to my stomach, beginning to go even lower.

When he reaches my waist, we hear a noise downstairs.

The back door.

The two of us sit up extremely quickly, my heart racing fast.

"Shh." I whisper, placing my finger over my lips. I slowly get off the bed, grab our towels and I motion for him to follow me.

The footsteps begin to approach quicker, so I pull him inside my closet with me, and I lock it from the inside.

"Mom, Spencer might have it in her room!" Melissa yells, opening my room door. I look over to Toby, who wraps a towel around me, and the other around himself.

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