Christmas Party

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Spencer's POV:

"So is everything ready?" I ask Toby as he walks in the living room. "Food is all laid out in the kitchen, our Christmas tree is up, and the Christmas lights are on." He smiles wrapping an arm around my shoulder while we stand and stare at the tree.

"Our guests will be arriving hour." I tell him checking my watch. "We soon gotta get dressed!" I exclaim. "We're already dressed." He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Ha, ha." I say mockingly.

"You know what I mean, get dressed in nicer clothes." I say as he kisses my temple.

This year we decided to hold a Christmas party at our new little apartment we bought in New York, it's small, well, I like to classify it as cozy. There's just enough room for the 2 of us.

My parents thought it was too small while my friends thought it was cute.

Also, technically, we haven't had a 'house warming party' yet, so this can also be it, 2 parties all in one night. I have everything planned out according to a schedule, so nothing, and I mean nothing, will go wrong.

"Okay, we should get dressed now, just in case someone decides to show up early." I say holding his hand and leading him in our room. "You realize you do have to wear a dress shirt, right?" I smirk as he takes off his current shirt. "And you'll have to fix your hair." I point out.

"Don't worry, I'll look somewhat presentable when our guests do arrive. But until then, I'm not getting changed." He decides lying on the bed. "Well, you can help me." I tell him grabbing 2 dresses.

"What one?" I ask holding them both up. "Well the one on the left makes you look beautiful, and the one on the right makes your body look hot." He smirks and I give him the 'seriously' look and he just grins.

"The one on the right." He says after a minute of thinking. "You're only saying that so you can stare at me the whole night." I say mockingly and he scoffs about to deny it. "You know, I can't even deny that." He says as I change out of my current outfit into the dress.

"Mm, much better, Ms. Hastings." He grins standing up and kissing my hands. "Well now, Mr. Cavanaugh, you should put on some nice clothes." I sitting on the edge of the bed as he grabs 2 dress shirts.

"What one matches the pants I have on?" He asks holding up 2 different dress shirts. "No arguments needed, the one on the left. Blue is your colour." I tell him and he nods putting it on and buttoning up the front.

"Can you help me with this?" He asks holding up the tie and I nod chuckling. I wrap the tie around his neck and begin to tie it. "How do you even know how to do this?" He asks.

"Wait, you're Spencer Hastings, I almost forgot for a second." He smirks as I finish tying it. "Don't you ever forget it." I wink kissing him.

"Sorry to stop the kissing," I say pulling back a little while putting my hand on his chest, "but I need to double check that everything is done perfectly. I can't disappoint." I say kissing him once more before fixing my dress and walking out of the room.

"Toby I know you're staring!" I singsong turning around to see him blushing. "Come on and help me make sure everything is perfect." I say reaching my hand out and he takes it as we walk into the kitchen to double check it all.

After a few minutes there's a knock at the door. "Our first guest!" I exclaim excitedly. Toby and I walk to the door, and when we open it I look at Toby with wide eyes. "Jenna... so nice to see you." I say with a fake smile and she welcomes herself in.

"Dad must of told her and invited her." Toby whispers as he takes her coat to hang it up. "What a tiny home. You can barely do anything in here." She says glancing around and I give her a tight smile.

Then there was another knock.

I open it, and my parents arrive with Melissa. "Hey guys!" I say welcoming my sister and mom for a hug. "Don't touch me." Melissa hisses and I give mom a weird look. "Her and Wren have been fighting lately, don't question it." My mom says hugging me.

"Wren's here?" I ask pulling back from her and she nods as he enters, smirking. "Long time, no see." He says and I roll my eyes. "Come in." I say opening the door wider and letting them in.

As the night progresses, a lot of unwanted guests arrive. But thankfully the ones that were actually invited come too. We have Alison, Emily, Hanna, Caleb, Aria and of course our old English teacher Ezra with them. Then Jason decides to show up, Mona and Noel following shortly after.

Not sure how the word got out of our Christmas party, but there were many more than expected.

The last guests arrive 8:30 pm, it was Toby's step mom and dad. To make it even better, besides the fact that they showed, my parents hate his parents, so this will be interesting.

"Hello, Cavanaugh's!" I smile hugging them. "Please, come in!" I exclaim welcoming them and they join the party. "Okay, as long as our parents don't interact, we'll be fine. Right?" I sigh and he nods.

Toby and I go around talking to our friends, some acquaintances, and family. But nothing is going according to plan.

At all.

A few minutes later you hear Melissa and Wren throwing insults at one another, everyone gathered around watching. Then of course my parents interfere, and Toby's shortly after.

Everyone stands around watching the two families feud, not noticing when I pull Toby out of the room.

"Toby this is madness!" I whisper pulling him into the kitchen. "I know, calm down, and everything will be okay. Won't it?" He asks, but before anything else can be said, there's a loud crash, and silence.

My eyes widen, Toby and I run to the living room to see our Christmas tree tipped over, and everyone standing around it, looking guilty.

I sigh and quickly run out of the room, leaving the crowd out there. I can hear quiet whispers and normal conversations again, so maybe Toby put the tree back up.

"Spence?" Toby calls out knocking on our bedroom door. "Come in." I mumble wiping my tears. He enters and quickly rushes to my side, joining me on the bed.

"Hey, don't cry, this isn't your fault." He says kissing my head. "It is, Toby! I had the perfect party all planned out, but it turned out to be like a reality TV show disaster! No one will ever want to be invited over, nor invite us over, again!" I exclaim.

"Shh, just breathe." He says rubbing my back. "Spencer, the party was perfect. You had everything planned perfectly. This wasn't your fault. The tree fell over, big deal. Our families fought, who cares. Besides, they're in laws, they never get along." He says and I chuckle.

"Don't make me laugh, I'm upset." I say wiping my tears. "How about we go back out there and continue to follow the plan, to finish the perfect Christmas party we deserve." He says.

"Or, we can hideout in here for a little while longer and you can continue to make me feel better." I smile and he nods, "of course".

"Thank you, Toby. For being the best boyfriend and supporter ever." I say and then kiss him.

"That's what I'm here for: disastrous Christmas party therapy." He smirks and I playfully hit his chest laughing.

"Even though that's not entirely what you're here for," I grin, "you do a hell of a job of it." I say.


Here is a Christmas one shot because I love Christmas so much :)

That's my last Christmas one for a while though, sorry!! :-(

I wanted to do New Years ones but I didn't oh well


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