Father's Day

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Prompt: Spencer plans Father's Day surprises for Toby as they celebrate with their 3 year old daughter.

It's Father's Day in Canada today, and I did one of these for Mother's Day too! :)

Spencer's POV:

I set an alarm for 8:00 am, so our 3 year old, Madison, and I can prepare the gifts and breakfast in bed for Toby. When I wake up Toby has his arm securely wrapped around me, and I have my head rested on his chest. I try not to wake him when I get up, but it's difficult because the slightest movement can wake him. When I get out of bed, I put Toby's boxers and one of his shirts on. I quietly tip toe out the door, shutting it behind me.

When I walk into Madison's room, she's still asleep. "Good morning beautiful." I whisper into her ear, and she opens her eyes. "Mommy?" She asks sleepily. "Remember the secret we talked about?" I ask her, putting Father's Day in the simplest form for her. "Uh huh." She says nodding her head. "Today is the day we tell daddy that secret." I tell her picking her up in my arms. "Now?" She asks excitedly. "Shh, daddy's sleeping. Today is Father's Day, so we are going to get his gifts and make him breakfast, okay?" I tell her and she nods.

We walk out to the kitchen hand in hand to prepare everything. I take his gifts from its secret hiding spot, and put it in the gift bag. "What's that?" Madison asks pointing to the box. "It's new tools for daddy." I tell her. "Where's my gift for him?" She asks. "Uh..." I say searching. "Here it is!" I smile putting her homemade card into the gift bag. Now that the gifts are prepared, we can start breakfast. "What should we make him?" I ask her. "Pancakes!" She squeals. "Pancakes it is." I smile getting the batter.

I take the batter out, and begin to make pancakes. "Don't tell daddy, but you're cooking is my favourite." She whispers and I giggle. "Why thank you." I smile tapping her nose as she smiles back. When we make a batch of chocolate chip pancakes, we pour maple syrup on it, brew some coffee, and get ready to go into Toby. "I'll be right back." She says running off. "I'll be in my room with daddy." I say walking into the room with the tray. "Happy Father's Day!" I exclaim as he slowly opens his eyes.

"Spence.." He smiles reaching his arms out. I lay the tray onto the bed side table and fall into his arms. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you so much more." He says kissing me again. "Here, put on these because Maddy should be back any second." I say handing him a pair of boxers from his drawer. "Where are my other ones?" He asks looking in the drawer, and I point to me. He smirks noticing I'm wearing just his clothes. He stands up, putting on his boxers, and then kisses me. We were then interrupted by Madison running in excitedly.

"Happy Father's Day!" She giggles running over to him and latching onto his leg. "Thank you, princess." He smiles kissing her. "You have to open gifts before you eat anything." She says pointing her finger at him. "But mommy's cooking looks delicious." He tells her. "You'll just have to wait!" She says running out to find the gifts. Seconds later she returns with a bag in one hand and her card in the other. She passes him the card and he reads it. "This is beautiful, you even drew me a picture, thank you." He says kissing her forehead.

"Here's mommy's gift." She says lifting the heavy bag onto the bed. He sits onto the bed and opens it. "Spence... You didn't need to get this, it must of cost a fortune." He says taking my hands. "You need the tools, I was talking to your boss to make sure. Don't worry about it, Tobes. You deserve the world, you're an amazing father." I tell him kissing him. "Thank you." He says pulling me on top of him for a hug. "I wanna join!" She squeals climbing onto the bed and cuddling into me. "I love you so much." I tell Madison moving her messy hair off of her face.

"I love you more mommy." She giggles hugging me. "Impossible." I smile kissing her head making her giggle more. "I'm gonna go play, I'll see you later!" She says running out of the room shutting our door and into hers. I hear her door shut, and that's when Toby grabs onto my waist and kisses me. "Mm, what's this for?" I ask in between kisses. "For being the best fiancé, mother, and best friend ever." He grins planting kisses all over my cheeks. "Our 3 year old is just down the hallway." I warn him as he starts pulling my shirt over my head.

"That's fine." He grins pulling my boxers down, that's when I pull his off, and we crawl underneath the blankets.

After their alone time

"It's only 10:00 am and I have everything I've ever wanted in my bed." He grins playing with my curly hair. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his chest. "Toby." I giggle. "You're so beautiful." He tells me moving a piece of hair off of my forehead. "You're so perfect." He smiles kissing my forehead. I bite my lip nervously and start to blush. I bury my face into his chest as he rubs my back. "You still haven't ate you're breakfast that I made you." I chuckle. "I'll eat that eventually." He smiles.

"As of right now, let's just be." He whispers as he strokes my hair. I close my eyes, moving myself closer to him, and drift off to a peaceful rest.

3 hours later

"Mommy?" I hear someone ask. I slowly open my eyes, and Madison is stood in the doorway. Panic shoots through me, because both Toby and I are cuddling naked. "Mommy can I call Auntie Hanna?" She whines. "Why?" I ask pulling the blankets over me more. "So I can hangout with Sadie!" She exclaims. (Hanna's 4 year old daughter). "She's gone out for the afternoon, sorry sweetheart." I tell her. "Do you want us?" I ask her. "No it's okay, daddy's sleeping." She says closing the door and running off.

Toby's eyes slowly open, and he pulls me closer. "Are you alright?" He asks rubbing my back. "Yeah I'm fine. I might grab a shower." I smile running my hands through his hair. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and get out of bed. "Please don't get up yet." He begs. I hesitate to answer. "Baby." He whispers and I sigh. "Okay.." I whisper almost inaudible.

I rest my head on his chest and he runs his fingers though my curly hair. "Thanks for being there all the time." I smile. "You're the one who should be thanked." He tells me. "Do you think I'd be able to do this alone?" I ask. "You're pretty amazing." He says and I giggle. "Well, still. Thanks." I say once again. "Okay, go get your shower." He smiles. "Wanna join?" I smirk. "Madison?" He asks sitting up. "Can't you jump out if she calls out to us?" I smirk getting out of bed. "Definitely." He says before kissing me.

"Happy Father's Day." I smile kissing him again.

This sucks but I've been inactive and need to post

Comment thoughts??

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