Gone Part 2

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*this was requested!!

Spencer's POV:

It's happening all over again. I'm sat in the baby's room panicking. I'm having severe abdominal pain, and it's a month before my due date. Toby rummages through the room and find the hospital bag.

He escorts me to his truck and we speed off to the emergency room. We park rather quickly, and Toby grabs the bag, helping me as we run in. I clutch to my stomach and begin to scream in pain.

"Someone get her a wheelchair!" The receptionist exclaims as soon as she sees me. A nurse immediately enters and they sit me down, and wheel me off into a room.

They leave for a moment so Toby can help me out of my pyjamas and into the hospital gown. I scream in pain the entire time he tries to help, and I now sit clutching my stomach.

I begin to cry when a few nurses rush in, asking me to lay down so they can insert IVs into my hands and arms. They poke a bunch of needles in to calm the pain and say someone will see me shortly.

"I can't do this again, Tobes." I say beginning to cry and he holds my hands tightly. "It'll be okay, he's fine. James is fine." He reassures me and I nod.

A doctor comes in with a chart and smiles politely. "We need to get an X-Ray done before we can do further examining. We'll take a look and see what to do from there. Do you have a gynaecologist?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No worries, we'll give you the best one we've got." He says with a wink and I give a smile through the pain. "You stay here and wait for me, okay?" I ask him holding onto my stomach more and he nods.

The nurses come in and ask me to lay down so they can take the machines with me to reduce pain, and they wheel me off.

I'm wheeled into an elevator, and after a few minutes into a huge machine that scans me. "Lay still." I hear the nurse say over the intercom and I nod.

After the scan is finished I'm rushed back into my room and left with Toby. Toby sits in the chair, leaning over with his hands in his hair.

A doctor returns after about 10 minutes. "We have some bad news." The doctor says and I sit up, beginning to cry and Toby takes my hand.

"We need you to have your baby, now." He tells me. "But he isn't ready to come out, it's too early. Will he survive?" I ask crying.

"We hope so." He says and motions for a few nurses to join us. "We'll take you to surgery now for an emergency C-section." He says and I nod laying back, breathing heavy.

"You'll be okay, I'll be by your side the entire time." Toby says pushing hair off my sweaty forehead. "Actually, sir, you aren't permitted in the OR." My nurse says and I shoot her a look.

"I'm not doing this without him." I say beginning to cry again. "I'm sorry but he isn't permitted in the operating room where you'll be open on the table." She says as they continue to prep me.

"But I'll be awake, only under minor anesthetics so I won't be fully asleep, and I'll be aware." I tell her. "I'm sorry, that's it." She shrugs beginning to walk out with my charts.

"Get back in here!" I shout and Toby lays a hand in my shoulder, rubbing it gently. "You better make sure he's in there with me or I'll get a new nurse to take care of me." I shout while she stands there speechless.

Numerous doctors then rush in to see what the commotion is, and the doctor in front of everyone is none other than my sister's husband, Wren.

"Spencer? Toby?" He asks flabbergasted. "Oh thank god, somebody who actually knows what they're doing is here!" I exclaim shooting the nurse a look.

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