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*part 2 to sleepless in Rosewood !!!!

—> 2 years later (set 2 years later than part 1)

Spencer's POV:

Today's finally the day.

I'm officially done with Rosewood high school, and I can move ahead and begin my future with the person I love: Toby.

Today, sitting in the crowd as I receive my certificate, will be Toby. I'm beyond excited, because as a week late birthday present/graduation gift, we're taking a vacation together to Miami to kick off summer.

Toby and I are currently lying together in his bed, when my phone rings. He groans as I stretch out and grab my phone.

"Hello?" I answer. "Spence, don't forget grad is at 2!" Emily says excitedly, and I laugh. "I know, Em. I don't have to get ready until 11. It's 10." I remind her.

"But I also know you secretly slept over to Toby's, and you guys weren't just sleeping." She says and I blush. "Oh shush." I tell her, giggling.

"I'm coming over at 1:30 so we can leave early." She says and I groan. "Okay, well I guess I'll keep an eye on the time." I say. "You better, see you later." Emily replies, and I hang up.

Toby takes my phone from my hands, smiling and kisses me. "Are you excited?" He asks, and I nod. "I'm finally 18. I'm finally graduating." I tell him with a smile.

"I hope you know I'm so proud of you." He says, stroking my hair. "Toby," I blush, as he moves his hand to stroke my cheek gently.

"I love you." He whispers, leaning down to kiss me again. "I love you too." I smile, pulling back for a second, and then connecting our lips again.

"Why are you being so cute?" I ask him, running my fingers through his hair. "You know, cause I love you." He grins, and I grin back.

"I was thinking," I say, leaning up and bringing my lips to his ear. "You and I, have a little pre-grad fun." I whisper, my lips touching his ear.

Toby switches our position so he's above me, and begins kissing down my neck as I put my hands in his hair.

"Will we have enough time before you need to get ready?" He asks, and I nod. "Shh, we will." I say, and he continues to kiss me.


"Dammit, it's 11:30." I tell him, sitting up, and bringing the blankets so it covers over my chest. "I only have 2 hours until Emily and the girls arrive." I worry, an Toby puts his hand on my lower back.

"You'll have time, I'll unpack your make up and curling iron from the overnight bag, and then I'll get your graduation dress, gown and hat while you shower." He tells me and I smile.

I lean down, and kiss him slowly. "Thank you." I smile, throwing the blankets off of me and going to the bathroom to quickly shower.

Once I'm out of the shower, and my hair is dried, I walk out into Toby's room to see my things scattered everywhere.

"Hey, you." I smile, looking at Toby frantically looking around for the things I'll need. "I can't find your hair drier," he worries, throwing clothes across the bed.

He looks up at me briefly, and then continues his search. He then stops, looking at me again and sighs. "You, found your hair drier." He says and I laugh.

"Relax." I tell him, and he nods. "You've been a huge help, but I think I can take it from here." I thank him. "I'll go grab my suit." He tells me, leaving me in his room.

I look around for my bag, hoping I can find what I need. Toby returns, pulling off the shirt he threw on after I left, and then removes the pyjama bottoms he also had on.

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