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Spencer's POV:

Ever since Toby and I moved out of Rosewood to start a family together 2 years ago, we've lost touch with a lot of our old friends.

We talk occasionally, but we haven't met up with any of them since we left, because of everyone's busy schedules.

Today, to my surprise, as I was picking up some snacks at the store for mine and Toby's movie night, I ran into my Rosewood best friend Aria Montgomery.


I pick up a box of popcorn, and when I look up, to my surprise, I see Aria standing there.

"Aria!?" I exclaim, a smile forming on my face.

"Oh my god, Spence!" She squeals, dropping her basket and pulling me in for a hug. "How have you been?" I ask her, giving her one last tight squeeze before letting her go.

"I'm pretty good, I'm actually in a relationship." She smiles, showing me a bracelet. "Jason bought me this." She says with a grin.

"Dilaurentis?" I ask, kind of shocked, and she nods. "So you've kept in touch with everyone I guess?" I ask her, and she shrugs. "Only Alison, because I'm dating her brother. What about you?" She asks me.

"To be quite honest, I haven't spoke to anyone from Rosewood since I left." I tell her. "How's Toby?" She grins, peering down at my hands and frowning.

"You guys aren't engaged or married yet?" She asks in shock and I laugh, rolling my eyes. "We're taking our time, Aria." I tell her.

"You've been saying that ever since you guys dated in high school. Which was forever ago!" She exclaims.

"And to answer your question; Toby's great." I tell her. "Well, I guess I should get going. I'm spending the night in a hotel nearby before I fly out to meet Jason." She smiles, hugging me.

"See you." She waves, beginning to walk away.

"Actually," I say, and she turns around. "I think you should come over tonight. Toby and I are having a movie night, but we can move that to tomorrow. Let's catch up." I tell her, and she smiles, nodding.

"Alright." She agrees, approaching me again. "I'll text you my address, and you can come around 8, okay?" I smile and she nods.

"See you tonight." I tell her.


Toby and I are sitting on the couch, with blankets covering our legs when there was a knock at the door.

"That must be Aria." I smile, giving him a kiss and throwing my half of the blanket off my legs and onto Toby.

I walk over to the door, open it and hug Aria before telling her to come in.

"What a beautiful home you have." She smiles, as we walk to the living room. When we enter the room, Toby stands, smiling and gives me a kiss.

"Toby, I'm sure you remember my best friend, Aria." I smile, putting one hand on his chest and he puts his arm around my waist.

"Of course I do." He smiles, shaking her hand briefly. "Well, sit and tell us some more about you. We didn't get to talk much in the supermarket." I say, and she begins to talk about her life.


"Anyway, I've been talking about me for a while, let's move along to you guys." She suggests. "You guys seem, happy." She smiles.

I look up to Toby, and hold his hand. "Yes, we are. We're very happy." I tell her, and Toby gives a small smile.

"Well, you guys have been dating for how long?" She asks. "5 years." Toby answers.

"Wow, and still no engagement, wedding, or kids?" She blurts, and I bite my lip. "Sorry, that was rude of me." She apologizes.

"No, it's fine." Toby smiles. "We've, uh, been waiting. We're just taking our time. So much has happened and we can't lose what we have." He says and I smile, leaning my head against his shoulder.


As the night progresses, we catch up a lot, and talk about our old friends, school, jobs, relationships, just everything that is way overdue.

I check the time on my watch that reads 11:27 PM.

"Well, it was so nice catching up with you but I have to be up early for an interview. I'll text you so the next time we hangout won't be so overdue." I tell, giving her a hug.

"Yes, we need to hangout again soon." She smiles, standing up. "You can stay and talk with Toby." I tell her, and she smiles, sitting.

"Yeah, we should catch up some more." Toby suggests.

"Goodnight." I tell Aria, giving her one last hug.

"Goodnight, don't be too late babe." I tell Toby, giving him a quick kiss.

"I won't, love." He replies, kissing me again. I smile, looking at the two before heading off to bed.

Toby's POV:

"You two seem so happy." She exclaims, turning her body to mirror mine. I nod my head, smiling. I look down, and begin to fidget with my fingers.

"I have to tell someone this. I can't keep it a secret, and seeing you were best friends, and want to be closer, I need to tell you, and trust you with this information." I blurt out, immediately regretting it.

Aria gives me a confused look, and her expression then turns to anger. "You aren't thinking of breaking up with her are you?" She asks angrily, when I put a finger over my mouth, motioning for her to quiet down.

"Because if you think you can just break that girl's heart after five years, five years, you're crazy. Toby, she loves you-" she continues on when I stop her.

"Aria, calm down." I tell her, hushing her. "Why isn't there any denial here? Should I be concerned?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"The truth is," I sigh, reaching for my jacket. She watches closely as I open the pocket to my jacket, her expression confused once again.

"The truth is, I want to propose." I whisper, pulling out a small black box, and her mouth drops open.

I open it, allowing Aria to examine the ring.

"It's beautiful, Toby. Also, I would so scream right now, but she can't find out." Aria smiles excitedly.

"I had this planned for a month now, but I have no idea how to do it. I was hoping I'd make more close friends, or stay close with you guys, so one of you could maybe help." I tell her, and she nods.

"I can't do this myself. I'm not sure how or where to start. I know, I've been dating her for 5 years, but I want this, I need this to be absolutely perfect." I tell her, sighing once more.

"So?" I ask, hope in my voice. "Of course I'll help you, Toby." She smiles, hugging me tightly.

"Don't let the word spread. I'm trusting you. No one else, not even any of our old friends, know until it happens and we tell them ourselves." I tell her, and she nods.

"I swear on my life." She promises, placing one hand on her chest and the other in the air.

"Okay." I sigh, and I smile. "This is going to happen. I'm gonna propose." I tell her, a grin not leaving my face.

"You're gonna propose." She smiles, repeating my words.


This whole idea came to me randomly, so I decided to make it!!

I hope it was okay, should I make a part 2 of the engagement/proposal or just leave it?

Comment thoughts please??

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