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Spencer's POV:

"Guys, we need to tell you something." I say to all my friends and their significant others. Toby and I stand in front of them all, who is sat on or next to our couch.

"We kind of made an offer on a house." I say fidgeting with my fingers. "What?" Emily asks with a huge grin. "Oh my god, you guys!" Aria smiles, jumping up and hugging me.

"Guys that's amazing." Alison smiles and I thank them all. "It's still in Rosewood, it won't be far, but Toby and I want to start a family, so we figured we needed to move out of this little loft." I tell them.

"You guys want to start a family too?" Hanna exclaims. "You're so grown up." She jokes and we all laugh.

"Well, there's another thing.." I begin to say. "We kind of already started the family." I say, and Toby places a hand on my bump-less stomach. "No way." Aria exclaims, jumping up and putting her hand there too.

"I'm pregnant you guys." I smile and I was attacked with hugs by all my friends. "This is so amazing." Emily tells me, holding my hand. "How far along are you?" Alison asks me excitedly.

"Only a couple of months." I tell them. "Nothing is showing yet, but there's definitely something there." I smile. "Have you been to the doctor yet?" Aria asks and I nod. "Everything's going well. We won't find out the gender for a little while though." I tell them.

"Still!" Hanna exclaims hugging me again. "Okay, okay." I laugh, escaping the many hugs.

"Shall we celebrate?" I ask, grabbing bottle of wine and 7 glasses, because I can't have any. "Yes, we shall." Emily smiles, handing out the glasses. She puts some wine into everyone's glass, and proceeds to make a small toast.

"To Spencer and Toby!" She smiles, and everyone repeats, "to Spencer and Toby!"


"I was thinking," I begin to say, shifting on the couch, and Toby looks at me. "Maybe we should go look inside the house. We only got chance to see the outside, yet we made an offer anyway." I say and he kisses my head.

"Of course. I'll make a few calls to see when we can go." He smiles, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into him closer.

"I can't believe we're the first of our friend group to settle down, get a house, start a family.." I smile, looking up into his eyes.

"It's so surreal to be in this position, especially when all my life my family told me how worthless I am and how no one will ever love me." I say, and he cups my face.

"Don't you ever, not even for a second, think you're alone. You're never alone. And don't ever think I don't love you, because I do. You're the most important person in my life." He tells me, bringing tears to my eyes.

"You proved your family wrong." He whispers with a smile, and I return it. "Thank you." I whisper, burying my face into his chest as he hugs me tight.

"How about you head to bed and I'll make a few calls?" He suggests and I nod, wiping my eyes. "Don't be long." I tell him, and he shakes his head. "I won't, I promise." He smiles.

-- the next day --

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and eggs cooking. I look over to see the other side of the bed is vacant and frown a little.

I pull on one of Toby's shirts, because they still fit me at the moment, and walk out of the room into the kitchen.

"Why are you up so early?" I ask yawning, looking at the clock to see it's 8:03 AM.

"We have a big day." He states, flipping the pancakes. "What's going on today?" I ask, sitting on the bar stool next to the counter.

"We have a house to look at." He tells me, flashing a smile my way. "No way." I say excitedly. "I managed to pull some strings, and they'll let us see their house at 11:00 AM." He smiles and I smile back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaim hugging him. "You're so amazing." I tell him, getting off the stool and kissing his cheek.

"I need to get a shower before we eat, I need to look presentable." I say, walking towards the bathroom.

"I'll have breakfast ready for when you're out!" He calls out.

-- 10:55 AM --

"I'm so nervous." I tell him, sitting next to him in his truck. "Don't be, they'll love you." He says, holding my hand. "But they don't understand how much this means to me. How much I want to start a family, how much I want this little one to have the perfect life I didn't get." I say, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Spence, whatever happens, happens. Plus, it doesn't matter where we live, because wherever you are is home to me." He smiles, and I smile back.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing him gently. "I love you too." He replies.

"Now, let's go win over some strangers." He says and I giggle.

We walk up the driveway, and knock on the door softly. After a minute or so, a lady, who looks about in her mid to late 20s opens the door.

"Honey, they're here!" She exclaims excitedly, and a man, looking about the same age, walks towards us.

"Hi, you must be Spencer and Toby." He smiles, and we shake their hands. "Yes, and you are?" I smile. "Ricky and Lily." The man replies and I smile.

"It's so nice to meet you." I reply, and they laugh lightly. "Aren't you sweet, come in so we can show you around." Lily says.

Toby closes the door behind me, and my eyes widen, looking around at the beautiful home they have.

"Your house is beautiful." Toby tells Ricky, and he thanks him.

"Let us give you a whole house tour!" Lily smiles, leading us through the house.

-- dinner time!! --

"How was the house hunting?" Aria asks, pouring herself some wine. "It was great, thanks. The couple really seemed to like us. But they could of just been polite." I shrug, and Toby holds my hand.

"I don't want to get my hopes up." I tell him and he nods understandably. "Well, they did ask for you to come over this morning. That never happens." Emily tells me and I smile.

"I just really want this house. It's beautiful." I sigh, drinking some water.

"Anyway, thank you all for joining us for dinner." I smile, and they all smile back.

"Now, a toast to-" Alison begins when the phone rings. "Just a second, Ali. Sorry." I apologize running to the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Hi, we would like to tell you that you and your boyfriend Toby got Lily and Ricky's house." The lady on the other end says.
"Wait, really?" I ask, beginning to smile.
"Yes, do you still want it?" She asks.
"Yes, yes. Of course." I reply.
"Okay, well come by my office tomorrow and we'll get everything ready." She says.
"Thank you so much." I reply, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Toby asks, as soon as I sit down. "Ali, you have something else to toast to." I tell her and she looks confused.

I turn to Toby, and smile. "We got the house." I tell him, tears forming in my eyes. "What?" He asks, and everyone else says that too.

"Guys we got the house!" I exclaim excitedly and I begin to cry. Toby pulls me in for a hug, and Alison interrupts us.

"A toast; to Toby and Spencer." She smiles. "I can't believe you guys got it. You're moving out of here." She says with a grin.

"I know. This is really happening." I grin, kissing Toby's cheek.


This was HORRIBLE and rushed but this idea is lowkey from friends (kinda the same plot / not really¿ just the whole moving thing is from friends / mondler!)

**also the line in italics is what Michael said to Jane in Jane the Virgin!! A SHOW I LOVE (and I love them so much SJAKSKS)

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