Chapter 360 - 361 - 362

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Chapter 360 Clay can’t calm down anymore

In the camp left behind in the imperial capital, Clay couldn't help but be curious when he saw Boss Qiao leaving in a hurry without his personal bodyguard Yan Yue.

After thinking about it again and again, he directly found Yan Yue. He had hit a wall in the oil field before. Now that Boss Qiao has left like this, what is his next plan?

"Hi, Yan! Where is Boss Qiao? Does he have any plans? Do my people continue to stand by?"

Clay asked questions again and again. They had enough fourth-level superpowers and the determination to fight to the death. Their momentum was strong. It was just a matter of words whether they should take action or not!

The main reason is that he is still a little anxious to find White. If Boss Joe leaves and doesn't know when he will return to the team, then they will have to wait for another day, but his brother White may not be able to wait any longer.

Yan Yue always kept a distance from him, lowering her head and fiddling with the supernatural ball in her hand while listening to his words. She could hear the uncontrollable anxiety in Clay's tone. She only curled her lips slightly and responded simply: "The boss has personal matters to deal with. If he doesn't explain it, just stay on standby. However, if you are lucky, you may not have to fight so hard!"

"What do you mean? The private matters that Boss Joe has to deal with also include oil field matters?" Clay sensitively sensed the key information. He had another way to solve the current difficulty.

Yan Yue didn't dare to say anything more at this point. She just raised her eyes and looked at Clay, "What? Isn't it consistent with your usual principles of doing things without taking risks? Upgrade and make money. The biggest winner of this trip is you. !”

"This is not the same thing," Clay disagreed. "Don't forget, in order to cooperate with Boss Joe, we also lost one person, that is my brother!"

"I know, but aren't you rushing to upgrade just for the sake of your brother? You're not taking advantage of him!"

Yan Yue was disdainful in her heart. On the surface, she promised to work for Boss Qiao, but in fact, she was not promoting herself. She was planning to find his younger brother. The calculations were all written on her face. Couldn't their boss see it?

"Whatever you think, I just want to say hello to you. If Boss Qiao doesn't come back before noon, I will take advantage of the hottest time to go to the oil field by myself. There must be a conclusion whether White is alive or dead! "

It's easy to say that Boss Qiao's oil field affairs can be negotiated, but if he reaches a dead end all of a sudden and everyone has to return to the imperial capital, how can he find someone!

"Taking unauthorized actions can easily lead to complications!" Yan Yue disagreed.

"I have no choice but to go!"

"You are showing irresponsibility! Our boss would never agree if he were here!"

"So, I'm willing to wait until noon!"


Yan Yue wanted to say something else, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a person waving to Clay in the distance. Clay and Yan Yue nodded slightly: "Sorry, I'll go take a look first!"

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