Chapter 233 Heavy Rain Warning in City B (2)

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Hong Changbo couldn't sit still in the office, and pacing back and forth could not hide his inner anxiety. Two cars of people of unknown origin entered the city and were sent directly to the Military Research Institute!

What's happening here?

The military headquarters sends people out every day, and those who go out are all in military trucks or trucks. I have never seen people sent back directly in buses!

How abnormal!

"Mayor Hong!"

The secretary hurried in from outside, covered in sweat from running on a hot day, and Mayor Hong almost shouted like a duck.

"How is it? Did you find out?"

When Hong Changbo saw that the person had finally come back, he started asking. It would take several hours to find out a piece of information. Such efficiency made him impatient.


The secretary cleared his throat and quickly replied: "Mayor Hong, the Military Research Institute is tightly guarded and I can't find out any reliable information. I went to the city gate inspection office to do some more activities and confirmed it. The adjutant of the special operations group, Yang Lidong, is back and brought back two carloads of wounded!"

"Wounded? What wounded? What kind of injury?"

"It's hard for him to say this. The higher-ups have issued a death order and are not allowed to reveal anything. Anyway, it's not a zombie scratch or bite! In order to avoid alerting the enemy, I can only ask so much!"

As the secretary spoke, he glanced sideways at the closed door behind him, lowered his voice and said with some suspicion: "That Adjutant Yang left without showing up for months, and when he came back, the truck was filled with wounded people, and he even entered the military research institute. What do you think? Are they conducting some secret experiment outside?"

"What do you mean? Experiment? Zombie virus in vivo experiment?"

Hong Changbo looked at him as if he was looking at a fool, "Do you think the Xiao family is as brainless as you? You went out to do experiments, and you dared to openly bring the experimental subjects back to the city? Don't forget that the military research institute is not just a facade. It seems so simple, what kind of experiment do they want to do, why go outside?"

"Yes, you clearly see that this subordinate is confused!"

Hong Changbo curled his lips and showed a look of disdain, but he still ordered him: "No matter what, this matter is strange, you still have to find a way to find out! That Xiao Huaizhou has been looking for someone for a while, and his person has come back. You're still stranded outside and haven't come back yet, and you don't know what tricks you are playing?"

No matter how embarrassed the secretary was, he had to nod his head and agree: "Yes, I'll find a way!"

"Well, if you want to be more secretive, I'm afraid the Xiao family will be more cautious these days!"

"Understood! I will pay attention!"

After the secretary finished speaking, he turned to leave, but suddenly remembered something, so he took a step back and reported: "By the way, the Cai Jincheng recommended by Miss Yanyan is already waiting in the reception room. Is it convenient for you to meet him now?"

Hearing the name, Hong Changbo put his hands behind his back, touched his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "Convenient! I'll go over now!"

His plan to choose a son-in-law was ruined, but it was not all without gain. No matter how perfunctory his daughter was, she still helped him find a very useful candidate - Cai Jincheng, the leader of the Jincheng Superpower Group!

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