Chapter 231 Treatment (2)

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The office is not big, the four people sit together, and the atmosphere is a bit solemn.

Qiao Yi couldn't help but become nervous. He looked at Xiao Lixun and Si Chengli and asked about the situation: "Second uncle, second uncle, what's going on with them? Have the high fever been controlled? Have they been given power-blocking medicine? What's the effect? ?”

It was Si Chengli who answered his question. After thinking about it, he cleared his mind and patiently explained to them in detail:

"Xiao Yi, don't worry! Listen to me and tell you slowly! First of all, let's talk about the rainstorm samples. We have tested them as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, compared with the Imperial City, the virus content in the rain this time has been significantly reduced. , and the reduction is very large, which lays a good foundation for the later use of ability-sealing drugs. Coupled with the purification drugs we developed, I think the degree of recovery of these people will be higher than originally thought."

Qiao Yi said happily: "Really! That's great! However, you and your second uncle seem to be watching..."

Si Chengli admired Qiao Yi's delicate heart, nodded slightly and continued: "The difficulty is still high fever! After all, this heavy rain has not been completely purified, and even a little bit of toxins may be fatal to people!"

"Special antipyretics don't work?" It was Xiao Huaizhou who spoke this time.

"It works, but it shows slow effects. We are considering increasing the dose and supplementing it with physical cooling. Maybe we can get through it!"

After Si Chengli finished speaking, he sighed helplessly, "As you know, this special antipyretic medicine was made in a hurry out of desperation, and the clinical performance may not be as satisfactory as expected!"

Xiao Lixun interrupted at this time: "Don't be pessimistic. There are no effective antipyretics in the imperial capital, and there are not a few people who have survived the high fever. We are already lucky! If you want to survive, you can't rely entirely on others to save you. You have to have the confidence to give it a try!"

What he said meant that people should do their best and obey fate. It sounded cruel but reasonable. Don't forget, this is the end of the world, and it is normal for someone to die, not to mention that they really tried their best.

What else can you do if you don’t listen to God?

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell silent for a moment. Some of the results had been expected a long time ago, but he still couldn't bear to accept them.

"There are more than eighty people. Don't blame me for speaking harshly. Compared with the Imperial City, these casualties are simply negligible! And I heard that there is nothing serious at the base. It is really a blessing among misfortunes!"

Xiao Lixun rubbed his forehead with both hands to break the silence. The tense nerves gave him a sudden headache, but after all, this was not the time to relax.

At this moment, Xiao Huaizhou suddenly said again: "If there is nothing you can do, why not try our method!"

The man rubbing his forehead raised two horns with both hands, looked at him with wide eyes, and asked in confusion: "What did you say? Do you have a way?"

Si Chengli's eyes gleamed, he looked at Qiao Yi and then at his son, and shouted in surprise: "Do you really have a way?"

"Well, you all know that Xiao Yi's space power has mutated. After the water stored in his space has been mutated and purified, it will have some effect on removing some toxins. However, we have to try it before we can tell!"

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