Chapter 326 Qiao Yi confronts Cai Jincheng (1)

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Qiao Yi deliberately wasted the people from City B, but those people became active again after being quiet for a while.

For no other reason than because the puddle that had just been turned upside down and finally calmed down was back to life again!

The things at the bottom of the river were hidden deeper, but those mutated fish suddenly popped up again!

The sound of splashing water made some good people suddenly become interested. They couldn't see clearly under the city wall, and they had the courage to move forward.

After seeing clearly that they were some weird mutant fish, they were so excited that they hurriedly ran back to the car to find suitable tools to prepare for fishing.

Even Cai Jincheng and Qiao Yin, who were angry just now, couldn't help but come over curiously. They didn't say anything about mutant plants, but they also raised mutant fish?

"It is indeed a mutant fish!"

Cai Jincheng frowned and whispered, and the shadows reflected on the water were scattered by the restless mutant fish.

"Isn't it dangerous? Let them stop!"

Qiao Yin saw those people coming with various tools and reminded them with sadness.

He intuitively felt that this puddle was not simple. There were so many mutated fish in the puddle at the door of his house. It was impossible to just watch and let them go!

Is it also a defensive method?

Cai Jincheng stopped those who were about to take action with a big move of his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Stop! Back off!"

No matter how unwilling they were, everyone had no choice but to obey the order and stop fishing. However, they could not help but be curious and looked around the puddle with their heads down.

"Why are there so many mutant fish here? The water is obviously very shallow!"

Some people couldn't help but murmur that mutated fish have appeared in the great rivers of the post-apocalyptic world. They are extremely ferocious, and some can even dehydrate and live on land for a short period of time.

However, such a shallow puddle is obviously not suitable for raising so many mutant fish.

"Who knows! Maybe the water here was originally deep, and the recent drought has left it here!"

"Maybe they raised it themselves!"

"You must be sick! Why do you keep this thing? What do you feed it to?"

Qiao Yin listened to their discussion, turned to look at Cai Jincheng beside him and asked, "What do you think, Brother Cai?"

Just what he saw and heard outside the city gate was surprising enough. Qiao Yin could not imagine how many unknown secrets were hidden in the base within the high wall.

After a moment of silence, Cai Jincheng condensed a blue electric light in his hand, stared at the leaping mutant fish and spoke in a low voice: "It doesn't matter how I look at it, the important thing is that they shouldn't be alive!"

These sharp-tongued guys cannot be kept or eaten, and have even become an obstacle to the smooth survival of human beings. According to his temperament, he must be treated the same as zombies, and he cannot let go if he encounters them.

His fourth-level thunder power only needs one shot to turn all the living creatures in the pond white, and not a single one will be left alive!

Hearing this, Qiao Yin smiled and said, "Brother Cai, be careful!"

After The End of the World, The Whole World Want to Come and Seek Refuge With MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz