Chapter 223 Heavy Rain Rescue

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Xue Baoqi, who didn't pay much attention at first, heard what Qin Ye said, and the alarm bells rang in his heart. This rain has another trick!

He quickly lowered his voice and asked: "Qin Ye, what do you mean by this? Don't scare me, brother! Why did you go to City B to find the Third Young Master? Wasn't it just because you got caught in the rain? The hit was a bit hard, but it's okay It’s just that my skin hurts and my flesh hurts, what else can happen?”

Qin Ye lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, thought about the words, then looked at him and explained: "You have been in the hunting ground, and you may not know so clearly about some things. After the heavy rain in the imperial capital, there was an inexplicable high fever. Most ordinary people If the organ fails and dies, the person with superpowers will suffer varying degrees of superpower damage!

Xue Baoqi, this is no small matter! Tomorrow morning I will take someone to City B to find Qiao Yi! Find Xiao Huaizhou! Let them figure it out! Do you understand? "

Seeing Qin Ye's attitude, Xue Baoqi had to pay attention. He bit his lip and looked back at the brothers who were gritting their teeth and enduring the pain. His heart sank. There were more than forty people, more than forty lives!

And he himself, just saw some hope of life! How could they be so unlucky to get caught in the rain!

Thinking of this, it was no longer necessary to complain. He smiled bitterly and said, "We'll talk about tomorrow! Let's get through tonight safely first!"

Even with the supplies Qin Ye added, they still couldn't meet everyone's needs. They could only pray that the rain would stop soon, otherwise the heavy rain would turn into hail and the situation would only get worse!

"As long as you have an idea! I have to go back and keep an eye on it. If anything happens, just send someone along the passage to find me! Don't hold on!"

Qin Ye warned and jumped into the passage. Fortunately, the distance between the two shelters was not too far, otherwise it would be difficult for him to locate underground.

However, this incident also reminded him that once the ground is built, more passages can be dug underground to connect them with each other. If such a situation happens again, he will not be isolated and helpless!

The rain lasted for almost two hours at a time. The rain never let up, but when it stopped, it was very clear. The dark curtain on the sky seemed to be taken away at once, and in the blink of an eye, the night sky was revealed. Gray sky!

Whether it is the green mountains or the city, there is no trace of scars and darkness and deathly silence. The stagnant water seems calm, but it is brewing crisis, lingering for a long time at every stop and unwilling to leave!

Xiao Huaiqing watched the night getting darker and gave an order to Su Yue who was already prepared behind him: "Leave on time in a quarter of an hour! When we get down the mountain, drive the car in the garage! Pay attention to safety!"

Su Yue, who was wearing heavy clothes, had already put on the isolation suit. He immediately replied after hearing the order: "Don't worry, Second Young Master! I promise to complete the mission!"

"Yes! When we arrive, if we find any injured or those who have been exposed to the rain, we will count them in advance and give them special fever-reducing medicine first. I will collect the damaged vehicles tomorrow morning and send them directly back to City B for treatment!"

No matter how unwilling Xiao Huaiqing was, he had to plan for the worst outcome in advance. Most of the people in their base were engaged in construction in the city. Plus there were 20,000 to 30,000 people in the hunting grounds. There was no guarantee that nothing would happen!

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