Chapter 258 The Xiao family goes up the mountain

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When you say you want to move, you move, and when you say the door opens, you open the door. The Xiao family leaves in a hurry and comes in a hurry, but no matter how hurried it is, all the preparations made before are not in vain!

The departure was crisp and clean, and the arrival was pleasant and orderly!

All the roads that had been blocked to prevent zombies from invading City B were opened, and the leading convoy drove all the way north to the east gate of the Qingyu Peak Base!

boom! boom! boom!

Two rows of salute guns were set up on both sides of the gate. Before the motorcade could approach, the cannons were fired in welcome!

The guide car came forward to greet them, and after a quick greeting, they turned around and led the convoy all the way into the base, heading towards a specific destination. You couldn't see the vast number of convoys at the beginning and end, it was very spectacular!

Just before Mr. Xiao's car was about to arrive, Xiao Huaizhou took Qiao Yi to the east gate. Of course, the Xiao family had to welcome him in person. Moreover, the old man was old and struggled to climb the mountain. Xiao Huaizhou came specially to take the old man up the mountain!

"Third brother, when you fly with grandpa, you must fly as low as possible and as slowly as possible!" Qiao Yi whispered to his third brother. He had already adapted to his third brother's flying speed, but the old man absolutely couldn't stand it!


"Do you think it would be better if you let grandpa blindfold his eyes so that he doesn't look down?" Qiao Yi suggested again.

"No need! Grandpa used to fly a lot and he's not afraid of heights!"

Qiao Yi was still worried and spoke again: "Then are you carrying it on your back or holding it? You can't go up without holding it, right?"

"No matter what, it's up to grandpa!"

Xiao Huaizhou said, and whispered in his ear: "If you are so worried, why not do this? If you are carrying grandpa, I will hold you. If you are holding grandpa, I will carry you. You can also pull the arm, one on each side of you."

Anyway, Xiao Yi can’t be left behind!

After hearing this, Qiao Yi was speechless when he thought about that scene. He was not old, weak, sick or disabled, so why did his third brother have to take him up the mountain!

"No, no! I can go up by myself. You should take care of grandpa!"

If that were to happen, his grandfather would never agree to let his third brother take him up the mountain!

The two of them were worried, but when Xiao Qinian actually came to the bottom of the mountain, he immediately expressed his intention to climb the mountain by himself!

Since he got old and took a back seat, he hasn't been out much, and he hasn't had the opportunity to climb mountains. Now that the mountain scenery is just right, he doesn't mind climbing on his own to enjoy it!

The eighty-year-old man had to climb a mountain that was not gentle, which made the whole family anxious. They had not had a good rest in the past few days. What if his legs were weak and he fell down?

Xiao Lifeng looked at Mr. Xiao who had no place to use his strength and said: "Let Lixun watch the scenery on your back, there is no need to suffer that fatigue!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lixun squeezed out a smile and agreed: "Brother is right! Dad, I will carry you!" After he said this, he couldn't help but curl his lips, brother, you finally thought of me!

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