Chapter 303 Kill White

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White is obviously very interested in Qiao Yi. He is like a dormant cheetah, staring intently at the hiding place opposite. If that person makes the slightest move, he will make sure that his brain blossoms and he goes directly to God!

But when he was concentrating, a figure suddenly flashed out of his peripheral vision. He turned his eyes to look, but it was all empty!

He was sure that there was no movement on the other side. The sun was too strong at the moment and he might have been dazzled!

Qiao Yi, on the other hand, stroked his chest in the space and exhaled a long breath. He was just hanging in the air, but he moved to the wrong position!

He was determined to try the teleportation mentioned by Shan Lao. If he didn't have the ability to teleport too far away, he would just move a short distance!

It's just that he got off to a bad start and exposed himself!

After quickly gathering his emotions, Qiao Yi took a deep breath, clenched the black knife in his hand, and concentrated on exerting his strength again. The next second he appeared... beside a messy weed!

Damn the weeds!

What is hidden inside is not a human being!

He really sent him directly to the enemy in one step!

Qiao Yi's first reaction was to raise the knife and cut. Unexpectedly, the reaction of the man below was not as alert as usual. When the tip of his knife fell, he seemed to be aware of it. He turned slightly and raised the sniper rifle!

The tip of the knife hit the metal gun body, making a clear clanging sound. The spear was suddenly raised upwards, causing Qiao Yi's black knife to deflect and plunge into the ground beside his ear!

What followed was a pair of heavy military boots that violently kicked Qiao Yi's abdomen!

White's blue eyes were wide open. He didn't expect that the person he wanted to send to see God a second ago would actually appear in front of him at this moment!

If the sudden appearance of a shadow hadn't reminded him of the approaching danger, I believe he would have been the one to see God at this moment!

He was not allowed to dwell on how this person escaped his surveillance and came up behind him to sneak up on him!

With a chest full of resentment, he kicked out his feet with all his strength, but unfortunately his two long legs that he was proud of and that were inferior to ordinary people actually kicked out in vain!

He watched helplessly as the person on his body seemed to be equipped with springs, avoiding his attack with a backflip with unimaginable toughness!

When that perfect arc crossed his eyes, it seemed to leave a weird smile, which was a bit breathtaking!

There was a stinging pain in his left ear, and the black knife that shot up from the ground didn't miss. It hit him in this way!


White ignored the injury on his ear and immediately pulled the bolt of the gun and pulled the trigger. A silenced bullet came out of the chamber, cut through the hot and dull air, and headed straight for Qiao Yi who had just straightened up!


Soon enough, another piercing clang sounded, and the black knife in front of Qiao Yi immediately splashed with a cluster of dazzling sparks, successfully blocking an attack for him!

Without giving White a chance to shoot again, Qiao Yi quickly rolled to dodge, and while he was raising his gun to aim again, he teleported to his side!

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