Chapter 324 The neglected City Lord Cai

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While guards A and C were hesitating, their savior, Captain Fei, happened to be on the city wall!

After a brief question, Fei Yifan looked up at the sky, his eyes resting on the mutated willow tree for a moment before making a decision.

So, I saw him straightening his military cap, clearing his throat, resting an elbow on the wall, squinting at the people below and asking again: "Who is under the city? Do you have an invitation? What are you doing here?" "

When Cai Jincheng heard the cross-examination, he unconsciously looked at the two soldiers who had been observing them with their heads lowered and frowned. Did he tell the idiot that he had announced his family status? I still have to ask again!

That's all, when you get to someone else's territory, you have to abide by their rules. Maybe he was rude just now and spoke rashly without seeing the situation clearly. Their responsibilities are different, so I don't think the two of them have the right to talk too much!

So, he readjusted his tone and introduced himself very solemnly: "I am Cai Jincheng, the lord of City B, who came to visit the second master of the Xiao family. I didn't know that an invitation was needed before, so I asked this military master to pass it on. !Thank you very much!”

When he heard that the person calling himself Cai Jincheng, Fei Yifan lowered his eyes and looked carefully, and finally recognized it, it was indeed Cai Jincheng!

That leader of the Jincheng Superpower Group, a rising star in City B!

However, it’s interesting that the leader of a superpower group dares to call him the city lord!

It seems that after the Xiao family left, something big happened in City B. It changed its appearance and changed hands!

"Hey! It turns out to be Captain Cai! I haven't seen you in a few days! He's already the city lord!"

Fei Yifan's posture did not change, he still tilted his head and talked to the people below. The surprise in his tone did not hide the contempt hidden in his heart. Without the Xiao family in B City, anyone can jump to the front and take charge. Got it!

"Cai is not talented, but he just stepped forward when the people needed him. He owes his success to the people of B City because of their trust, which cannot be compared to the righteousness of the Xiao family!"

As the lord of a city, and in front of so many subordinates, Cai Jincheng obviously did not intend to pretend to be deaf and dumb. He was very aware of his sarcasm, so his response seemed to be praising the Xiao family, but in fact he was also insinuating it. The family has abandoned the people of City B, otherwise the people would not need him to come forward!

Who is Fei Yifan? He pretended to be the second in the entire city defense army, and no one dared to claim the first. After hearing what Cai Jincheng said, he immediately grinned, and loudly agreed with a sinister tone: "That's right! The people in City B are extraordinary. When they trust you, they hold the things you gave them with one hand and support you with the other hand. When they don't trust you, they let go of their hands, change their swords and guns, beat and scold them, force them to eat and drink, even if they have the right to support them. The Xiao family can fall out at any time, so when City Master Cai steps forward, be careful not to be kicked hard from behind!"

"I'm afraid this military master's words are inappropriate!"

Cai Jincheng didn't expect that before he even entered the city, he would encounter a thorn in his side. His words expressed his disdain and contempt for City B. The first confrontation was not so pleasant!

"Hi! I just said it casually and wanted to remind you. However, it is really unnecessary. After all, Captain Cai has seen it with his own eyes!"

Fei Yifan said it easily, and now he took back his elbows, stood up straight and started to stretch. He had no intention of arranging a report immediately!

Seeing this, Cai Jincheng frowned again. This was not the attitude Xiao Jiajun had when he was guarding the city gate in City B. After all, he was the lord of a city who came here with sincerity, how could he be so negligent!

"Brother Cai, they are all a bunch of ruffians. It's normal to be rude. Don't worry about it! It's better to try to get in as soon as possible!"

At this time, Qiao Yin saw his displeasure and hurriedly tried to persuade Cai Jincheng. He was really unhappy about being humiliated, but it was not worth spending time arguing with an unknown person.

Hearing this, Cai Jincheng took a deep breath and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. Since arriving here, his behavior has indeed been a bit extreme. It is completely unlike what he usually says and does. He is a little confused. Is he doing this? Jealous of the Xiao family?

"Don't worry! I know what's going on!"

There was no time to think carefully, Cai Jincheng responded to Qiao Yin warmly, then looked at the man who was moving his legs high above, and asked in a calm tone: "I wonder if the military master has informed me, how long do we have to wait before we can enter?" Chengyi meets Mr. Xiao?"

Fei Yifan shook his arms vigorously and looked up at the sun. It was the hottest time of the day again. He simply raised his hand and pointed at a simple pergola set up under the city wall and said lazily: "I'm sorry, City Master Cai! I think you should go there and take a rest first! I’m afraid it’s inconvenient to communicate at this moment!”

"Why is this said? Is there a time limit for the notification?"

"That's not the case! If you want to see our second master, you need the consent of the top leader of the base. By coincidence, this is the lunch break for the boss of our base. We have specifically told you not to disturb him unless there are special circumstances!"

Fei Yifan answered decisively, as if this was an ironclad military discipline that no one could easily break. No matter what your status was, it would be nice to point out a place to enjoy the cool air!

Cai Jincheng opened his mouth and asked: "Who is the leader of your base? Mr. Xiao? Or General Xiao?"

Mr. Xiao really needs to arrange his rest time properly as he gets older. However, he rarely showed up when he was in City B. Could it be that he came to the new base and came out again?

If it were General Xiao Lifeng, there would be no need to take a lunch break. Even if there was, it would be impossible to make it so on-line. He has spent his whole life in the military, and he would not go out of his way to explain things to the city gate that can be solved by just taking a nap. Guard here, otherwise, how can this general establish his authority in the army!

Fei Yifan glanced at the mutated willow tree from a distance, and secretly smacked his lips, Mr. Qiao must be too calm!

When people asked about the boss, Young Master Qiao didn't respond. So should he say it or not?

Since the Qingyu Peak Base was officially established, it has not widely publicized it through letters and posts, so few outsiders know the true identity of their leader!

Their young master, Qiao, could not be any lower profile!

After rolling his eyes, Fei Yifan pointed to the pergola and said: "After all, City Master Cai didn't have an invitation, so I can't say more. If you want to wait, just go and stay there. If you don't want to, you can." Turn the car around and we'll be home before dark!"


"Forget it, Brother Cai! This is their territory, don't force it! Why don't you just go and have a rest, your people are also tired!"

Qiao Yin immediately grabbed Cai Jincheng's arm, and after persuading him, seeing that he had no objection, he pulled him towards the pergola!

After walking a few steps, he quietly looked back. His eyes fell on a big willow tree not far away and he frowned!

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