Chapter 247 The Xiao family mansion is surrounded

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Qingyu Peak Base, after experiencing a heavy rain, almost all the labor force went down the mountain. The building facilities damaged by the heavy rain were rushed to repair and restore. The suspended projects had to be rushed to schedule. The original plan to immigrate to the city had to be carried out. Later delayed!

But this delay cannot be too long. The Xiao family may come at any time. The underground city needs to be evacuated, tens of thousands of Xiao family troops and their families need to be resettled, and there are so many family forces who follow the Xiao family that need to be accommodated. In addition, military research Some properties under the name of the company and the Xiao family have to be taken over. You can imagine how big this project is!

Xiao Huaiqing is about to collapse in the past two days. How could he have spent so much time and energy in his life?

He misses his brother!

His good third brother!

How easy it is for him!

Come back! Come back! A wanderer who goes out to make money!

Those two good brothers will really find opportunities for him to show off!

But he will soon miss this opportunity!

I don’t have enough brain!

Looking at Li Bowen approaching, he gritted his front teeth and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Bowen was here. If he didn't think well or made any omissions, Li Bowen could make up for him!

"How's it going? Has the completed residential building passed the inspection? Can I move 20,000 people here?"

"Southern Districts 1 to 9 have passed the inspection! Others have to wait. The window glass was shattered by the rain. We are queuing up for reinstallation!"

Li Bowen briefly talked about the situation, and then said with emotion: "Our base construction has advanced by leaps and bounds! The heavy rain has not delayed much progress, so we should thank God! Let's arrange for 5,000 people to come down from the nine districts first! After all, there are still Some heating facilities and so on need to be replenished!”

Xiao Huaiqing didn't think so. Their reconstruction speed was as fast as a rocket, soaring into the sky!

I used to think that R city was very big, but now I feel that this city is not big enough for them to plan, it is too small!

"Let's do it! As long as we can get down, we can't delay the rest for two days!"

Xiao Huaiqing was no longer in a hurry. He rushed to build and fill in people. He tried his best!

"You said that while the two rightful masters are away, I might as well become the king here. You said that without me, would this city be able to be rebuilt? This is a world-building move for me!"

Faced with Xiao Ershao's idea of ​​usurping power, Li Bowen, who was not good at joking, only gave his own advice: "It is easier to conquer a country than to defend it!"

He spoke in his heart, there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is the king, but what about the tiger coming back? A monkey is still a monkey, it can't reach the sky!

Come on, Xiao Huaiqing knew that this was a loyal minister who would not betray the original owner, so he said boringly: "I won't do anything that wastes my brain. It's better to protect the country than to protect the beauty!"

"But beauty is probably harder to find these days!"

Li Bowen told the truth, almost all they saw with their eyes open and closed were old men and rough men serving in the military, and the number of women was too few!

After The End of the World, The Whole World Want to Come and Seek Refuge With MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon