Justice & Chaos

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(Idea provided by 11Link, hope you enjoy!)

Clash of the (Villain Name) v Hero of New Home

As panic had set in, the city streets and sidewalk was filled with the frightened cries and panic of monsters and humans alike. With all running away from the central capital building near the center of New Home. Atop the oval dome, and standing alone with your cape waving in the wind, was where you stood looking overheard the whole city below. Grinning at the chaos you were causing, you raised your hand as you summoned your powers. Soon the whole dome of the capitol building began to rumble violently, with massive cracks starting to form throughout. You kept going, till finally the building began to collapse downwards. Finally stopping, you decided to wait before shattering the building and wait for your arch rival to appear. "Any moment now, and he-" Instantly you heard the echo of rockets in the distance, approaching quickly which made you grin wider. "About time." Turning to face the hero, there he landed atop the roof just on the edge overlooking the courtyard. Standing there in his Neo form, he glared at you down as you stepped down from the round top and onto even ground. "About time you got here, hero~" You said, teasing the Mettaton as he kept his distance. Soon began the circling, as you both slowly walked in a clockwise direction, staring into one anothers eyes closely. Reaching a hand over your melee weapon, you gripped the handle while Mettaton had his arm cannon at the ready.

"Hope you're ready... for your final battle!" Suddenly you lunged for him, slicing down and towards his stomach. This forced Metta back as he quickly did a backflip, followed by firing one powerful blast of magic directly towards you. Instantly you side stepped it, as it raced passed and blew a large chunk of the roof off. "Close." You said in a mocking tone, clearly annoying the hero as he went at you again. And so another battle, a rematch from countless times before, began as you both side-stepped, sliced and fired at one another. The fight leads you throughout the rooftop, often taking cover behind pillars and other structures atop the capitol. It was long and tense, though fatigue began to set in for you both. This soon became clear as Mettaton and you were left panting amongst the rubble from the rooftop, now scattered throughout. "Y-You've certainly gotten f-faster, hero." you admitted with a cruel grin. "But not enough." He glared before lunging one last time, only to be caught as you brought your hand forward and sent one powerful bolt of energy directly at him. Striking his chest, he was forced to a complete halt before falling forward. Watching him, you didn't stop to think before racing forward and catching him. He was heavy, and his height was doing you no favors.

Taking a moment, you glanced towards the hero before a soft smile came to your face. "Mmm, quite the cutie and determined warrior, as always~" With that, you were careful to move him to a safe spot before turning away, then leaving. It wouldn't be until a few minutes later, and Mettaton awoke. Now up once again, he stumbled for a moment before finding his footing. "W-Where are you!?" He shouted, searching around for you. But clearly, you had gone. Realizing this, the Hero glared before punching a nearby wall. Frustration had clearly taken over. It wouldn't be until much later until he returned to the Lab, his body aching in some areas while his energy was low. Stumbling in, he was met with the sight of his faithful friend, and aid, Alphys. The good doctor, upon seeing Mettaton enter, quickly approached. "Y-You're back! How did it go?" "Painful;" he deadpan, "and they got away. I'm so mad about that." With that the duo went ahead to care for Mettaton's body, repairs and all. Little did either realize that you already were planning your next move. Truth be told, you were hoping to see the hero again. That had been the real reason for your attack.


As your own goons and henchmen followed you inside your layer, you continued to plot for your next attack and to lore Mettaton out. Stepping inside, you waved off your henchmen to give you privacy as you returned to your personal room. Sighing, you decided to get comfortable. Truth be told, your limbs ached, and your back was hurting. "That Hero certainly has gotten stronger since our last encounter. I need to be more careful." You mumbled before pulling out a pencil and began writing your next scheme down.


As the Royal Police continued with their day, they didn't expect the attack that would soon be coming. As several young police cadets walked in, a sudden blast rocked the station, causing everyone to fall to the floor. Outside, your hunch men appeared and raced up the stairs and into the police station. As the young officers attempted to figure out what was happening, they found themselves swarmed and captured by your goons. Meanwhile across from the station, and standing atop the building, you watched as several officers were snatched away and tossed in the back of several trucks. Taping your foot waiting for your crew to be finished, you casually began looking through your phone with no care in the world. "Wonder how long it will take to get here." Just as you said that, a loud clunk was heard right behind you. Smirking, you turned and faced the Hero of New Home, standing there, in all his glory.

He glared back at you, determination dripping from him as you stared one another down. He then started to approach you. "So you're finally here?" "And you are not in jail." Mettaton said in a snarky tone, slightly annoying you. "I'm merely awaiting my favorite hero. And here you are. It's about time." Mettaton stropped for a moment, slightly confused before shaking it off and taking aim at you. "No matter, dear. I'll capture you and bring you to justice." Without wasting a moment, you took one step back on the edge of the building. Mettaton looked tense and took one step forward, reaching one hand for you. "Y-You won't... would-" Without wasting a moment, you fell backwards. Without wasting another moment Mettaton leapt forward, grabbing your wrist before it could disappear. Now hanging off the side, Mettaton looked down at you like you were insane. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" You shrugged simply; "Making you fall for me~" And with that, you summoned your melee weapon and swung which caused Mettaton to let go in a panic to dodge. Unfortunately for you, you fell. However, you had already planned ahead and landed gracefully on the ground level and right on your feet. Looking back up, you could still see the stunned face of Mettaton as he looked back down at you. Sending him a floating kiss, you turned and joined with your henchmen before driving off. "Try and catch me! I'll be waiting~" you said before you and your convoy disappeared, forcing Mettaton to chase after you. "Here we go again.." he muttered, taking flight and began the chase once more. Meanwhile, you couldn't help the blush which faintly appeared on your face. 'I'll see you soon, my star~' you said to yourself.

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