Through the Strife

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Royalty, Honor, Love

(AU: Royal Mettaton, with his cousin being royalty as well; soulmates)

(Author: Sorry for the short story here, I wanted to add a new one-shot and kinda rushed it.)

Radios across the kingdom crackle to life, followed by a brief pause as the sound of the radio soon became a light hum. Finally, a voice replaced the near silence, and spoke with clear conviction and certainty. "A few hours ago. I discharge my last duties as King, and Royal Sovereign over the Kingdom of Monsters. And now that I am being succeeded by my dear cousin, the Duke of Hotland. My next words are to swear my allegiance to him. As I do, with all my heart."

With those last words, Madstablook, former King of Monsterkind, stepped down from his throne. Instead, his cousin, the one he didn't often get along with, Happstablook, took his place and adopted the name Mettaton the 1st. Later that same day, the two met once again within the palace. As Mad Dummy prepared to leave, he heard the door to his office open and watched his cousin enter, his eyes filled with pain and the sign of tears on his visible cheek. "I-I suppose you've made your decision?" Mettaton asked, his voice wavering as he spoke. "I have." Mad Dummy said coldly, clearly not wanting to deal with this any longer, and wanted to leave. "Is... Is she really worth it?" Mad Dummy looked up once more, staring into Mettaton's only visible eye closely. "Is she really worth throwing everything away? Including your home? Your friends? Even your own family?" Mad Dummy paused to consider his words, then nodded before looking off to the side. "Yes."


Mettaton sat alone within his room, having sent the maids away from helping him prepare for the day. Mettaton remained silent as he sat on the edge of his bed, in his hands he loosely held his crown, which shone under the light from his soul. Closing his eyes, Mettaton felt a slow tear roll down his face as the memories came in yet again. He still couldn't understand why. Why had his cousin given up the throne, and left the burden on his shoulders? Well, he really was the only other option. His and Mad Dummies other cousin Blooky wouldn't be able to handle this huge burden alone, so he had to step up. But that didn't make it any less difficult. To make things worse, the ex-king thought he should abdicate the throne just before Mettaton was truly ready, and had found his soulmate. Just a week ago, he had been planning to search the whole of the Underground in an attempt to find his soulmate. However, his cousin left before he was even ready to be benign looking, and now he had no time. Now, he had to go with an arranged marriage. The idea made his soul crack, and his heart ache. It was tradition for the King to find love, but even more so to find a noble to rule by his side. And he had to follow it, but it wouldn't be with his destined love. Instead, someone selected would take their place and his poor soul broke at the thought.

Not willing to dwell on the thought much longer, he stood up and left his room, placing the crown back upon his head as he left to begin his daily routine once again.


Weeks later, Mettaton watched silently as his guests arrived outside, one tall skeleton, one dressed in black, with dress shoes, pants and turtleneck. His hands appeared to have slight scarring, and a perfectly shaped hole in each palm. Two crooked scars were on either side of his face, one going up from one eye, and down the other. Next came a shorty, but seemingly 'un-harmed' skeleton. He wore blue in the form of a simple jacket, one which had his family's royal crest on either sleeve and shoulder. He also wore shorts, though again, with his family's symbol on it and a pair of flip-flops. Strange, considering he was visiting the King today, but who was Mettaton to judge? Finally, a tall skeleton stepped out. He was tall, just about that of his father, and dwarf the shortest of the trio. He wore a nice and sleek suit, one with a tie, dress shirt, dress pants and shoes.

A while later, the meeting was held and it was soon decided as Papyrus would be the one Mettaton could marry. Deep down, Mettaton was reluctant, as he had no connection and the deep rooted desire to start searching for his destined love. A while later, Mettaton was currently on a walk alone in the province of Waterfall. There, he wandered along the path past a large waterfall just in view. As he walked along, he couldn't help the burning questions current in the forethought of his mind. 'Where is my love?' 'Are they alright?' 'Will they forgive me?' He asked, before standing before the end of the bridge, and turning to face the waterfall. For a moment he stood alone, watching as the water descended in a continuous stream. For a while he stayed there, wondering.

Eventually though, with no answers to what he wondered, and a near empty heart for the one he was destined for. He turned on his heel and left for his palace. It seemed he would have to allow fate to decide what would go down.

(To be Continued)

(Short Authors Note: Story based on the History of England. Vote and comment if you wish.)

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