💔𝒲𝓀𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝒹𝑜 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝓀𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒💔 (Part 4)

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🐉𝐵𝓎 𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶 𝓁−𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉🐉

You and Mettaton made your way through hordes of guards and soldiers. Flames and bolts of electricity left your, and Mettaton's hands struck Guardsmen, sending them crashing into walls or their own comrades. Actual Soldiers, carrying swords, muskets, rifles, or even bows, were easily thrown aside. This kept on, and on, as they duel and made their way through the prison. Finally, they managed to reach the front gates of the prison, where you two quickly got out after a short stand-off with the last guards defending the fortress.

Once out, you both made a break for a group of monsters you noticed were close by, and capturing a nearby police station. Reaching them, you two were quickly brought back through the streets and reached just outside the city walls where a camp was set up for wounded or injured monsters. During your retreat, you passed what seemed like dozens of monsters alongside many humans. Some civilians, others were captured soldiers. They all looked scared, frighten, alone. Monsters lead the chained soldiers away, while Civilians were lead back to their homes in other to pick up their belongings and were lead out of the walls to safety.

Watching this happen, your eyes squinted as you felt your mind wander. Your heart clenched, along with a sense of dizziness. You're legs then wobbled, as you felt so light-headed. It was just... Too much. You fell, everything going dark. "DAR-" Silence.

Pure, empty, silence.

And darkness.


Undyne leads the final charge, a final push directly towards the palace which now sat alone and barely guarded. She leads the charge from the front, besides here doggo and the rest of the Royal Guards took to the front with their captain and charged. Bullets and arrows flew past them, some hitting monsters and almost killing them with hardly any HP left. Some were blocked with shields, while others used their magic. Undyne soon reached the human lines and leaped over the barricade made of chairs, bricks, and other random furniture and materials the humans could find.

Jumping over it, Undyne tossed another spear right through a human guard, pinning him to a wall of the palace. The monsters reached and a mala fight broke out. Swords clashed with magic all over. Eventually, the monsters pushed on and into the palace lobby Finally, Undyne raced up the main staircase and soon found herself along with the other guards at the rooftop. The last human fighting seemed though to drop their weapons and gave up. Many simply dropped their weapons and held their hands up, others just stopped shooting and just allowed themselves to be captured.

Shots began being hard less and less until finally, they seemed to stop. Now, Undyne, finally in full armor and all made her way to the palace roof and approached the front. Once there, she held the Monster flag over and gave a few waves before tearing down the human flag and replacing it with the Monster delta rune. Monsters across and around the palace cheered for victory, for the battle won. Cheers seemed to be heard all over, as Monsters celebrated while humans stayed silent.

They had won. The War was over.

And the fallen Monsters of the first war had been avenged.

(A day later)

The King of humankind approached Asgore personally and offered his surrounder to the King personally. The elders and other generals of humankind were arrested and taken to prison. Former human soldiers were allowed to return to their homes, while any captions who committed any war crimes were sentenced to prison. Asgore forgave the King himself, and he and Toriel began leading both humans and monsters in re-construction. The City streets were left in ruins, ironically because human soldiers used explosives to try and block off roads from Monsters.

Civilians who lost their homes were taken to just outside the walls to be provided for and given a temporary home. Meanwhile, Undyne and her guards went around the city streets looking for the injured or missing. Just outside the City, however, a hospital that was set up on a farm, a star was currently waiting for news on his lover's condition.

(Back to You)

You laid in bed, a bandage wrapped around your head along with a few wrapped around your mid-section, covered in blood. A few machines beeped and another continued to pump blood into you. A nervous Dr. Alphys watched you silently, while her co-worker and close friend, Doctor Gaster was busily checking the condition of everyone else within the room. Alphys sighed, taking off her glasses before pulling out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her brow. She then shoved it back in her pocket before turning back around and wondered over to check the settings on a nearby computer.

"W-Will (Name) Be o-okay, Gaster?"

"I don't know yet, it's still too early to tell. That bullet that got through did a number of them. And they have bled out a lot. However, they seem stable, so a few days in here should be enough."


With that said, silence filled the room once again and the two went back to work while Metta waited just outside in silence.

(A Month Later)

The beeping was all you heard, a timely beat as you grew slightly, moving your head gently to the side away from where the beeping was coming from. You felt cool air hit your face, and the soft hum of the ventilation that was just above along with the faint snores of someone close by. Opening your eyes, you were instantly hit with a bright light which made you cringe and turn away. After a moment, your eyes adjusted and you realized you were in a hospital. A makeshift hospital at that, as you could tell by the walls had been crudely constructed with different machines and temporary walls built over the wooden ones. Looking up, several light fixtures had been attached to several pears or wood across the top. Some hay was scared about, but it was mostly clean. Groaning as you felt the pay sour in your stomach, you sat up and continued to loo.

You turned your right and saw who the snores belonged to. Sitting in an office chair, holding flowers in one hand with a small present in the other, was your love.


Seeing him like this caused s sense of both joy, and relief to hit you at that moment. You were just so happy to see he was alright, and you both had made it out alive. Sighing happily, and in contempt, you reached out a gentle hand and took hold of Mettatons own. You gave it a soft squeeze before laying your head back. Closing your eyes, you fell asleep once more, alongside your star, the one you loved.

'Heh, what we do for the ones we love?' You thought, after all, you had been through so far.

(The End)

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