Mettaton's Stardom

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By Rey "oriental-dragon"

(A Non-x Reader, but simply an attempt to flesh out Mettaton more as a character in a short story with just him and how he spent his time in the Underground before the Human arrived).

MTT Resort was quite the destination, one formally created with the sole purpose of providing the residents of the Underground a nice place to stay after a day of travel across the Underground, as well as a place for when they wished to be entertained live. It was almost always full of guests, and quite busy. However, as of recently, not many had been coming in to attend the performances. And this was quite easily noticed by the star. In fact, he had been noticing a lot lately. Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard, was more desperate than ever. Alphys was as closed off as ever before. Asgore was not seen often. Actually, the star swore he hadn't seen him for a while now. It was all quite concerning.

It was that thought that led Mettaton to New Home and Asgore's castle. Arriving just outside, he was greeted by a pair of the Royal Guards, R1 and R2 who he greeted before walking in. Once inside, Mettaton went ahead and admired how nice the castle's interior was. With fine carpets, purple in color with the Delta Rune symbol that rested in the middle of a white circle. Small flowers, most being yellow and sunflowers for what it seemed, decorated each and every small table and plant vase that was in sight.

Picture frames, ones of Asgore, decorated many of the walls that he rolled past; he could tell there was once more due to the faint outlines of said paintings that had long since been removed. However, he did not dare ask the King as to why that was. As he made his final stretch, his screen glowed a brilliant yellow upon the red carpet which rested in the middle of "judgment Hall". Said name was odd, however, made much sense once the Judge, Sans, explained the room's purpose. Pushing his curiosity aside, for the time being, Metta stood now before the large pair of doors at the end of the hall where he politely knocked.

A brief moment of silence was followed, then it became interrupted by a set of heavy steps towards the door from the other side. Stopping just before it, a calm, quiet fatherly yet also friendly voice spoke up. "Hello? Who is it?" "Mettaton, Darling. I came by to see you~!" "O-Oh! Mettaton! It's been quite a while since we last saw each other! How are you?"

Mettaton was about to respond in his usual cheery, over the top, tone. However, he took a moment to really think about it, was he really feeling great? Glamorous? Anything? So after a moment, he spoke again. "Honestly, I'm not sure, you're majesty. Things have been rather tense." He said carefully, slightly worried for how his King would respond. Silence once more until it became interrupted by the sound of the door's locks being fitted with a key, then groaning as they swung open. Standing there, slightly disheveled with his hair a mess, armor slightly dirty and cape partially worn, was the King. As if his appearance wasn't bad enough, it seemed like he had been crying as well, as it indicated based on the redness just below his eyes along with the broken image provided in his gaze. Mettaton felt his soul clench, instantly feeling guilt as he stared upon his King who was in such a state. His screen instantly displayed a ! followed by a question mark. "Oh, darling! What has happened to you? Why are you so... gone?"

Asgore tensed up, his eyes quickly looking off away as if he saw something of interest on a nearby wall. However, he felt the heavy 'stare' of Metta continue to bore into him, causing him to glance back before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed loudly. "It's been... terrible here as well, Mettaton. I'm... I'm sorry for that, it's just... the pressure of ruling alone and the war with humans. It's all becoming... Too much." He managed to say before he stared dimply at the floor between their 'feet'. Watching on, Mettaton was silent as he watched his king look so broken. Without another word or moment of thought, he reached out his pair of noodle arms and wrapped them across Asgore's torso, then tightly nuzzled his 'face' into Asgore's chest. The action caused a loud 'clunk' to echo out, followed by Asgore going silent, this time in shock and freezing up completely. A moment of pure silence was followed by Asgore smiling softly, something that had unfortunately become quite rare and he embraced Mettaton back.

A moment later, Asgore spoke softly. "Would-would you mind joining me for tea?" he asked kindly. Mettaton smiled, which displayed a checkered set of pixels on his screen, and gave a 'nod.' "Yes darling. I'd love to join you." A while later, the two sat alone in Asgore's garden, one he had just before the barrier where they both sat enjoying a nice cup of tea together.

(Short While Later)

Soon Mettaton said goodbye, waving as he wheeled away from Asgore who said goodbye. As Mettaton did, he reached for his internal phone, which was quite literally one of his dials which he turned followed by him 'selecting' through his contacts and finding the one he wanted. Finding one of his creators, he paused briefly before taking one slow breath and finally dialed her number. 'I sure hope I can stand the anime talk for a while...' he muttered to himself as he finally heard her voice, while he made his way back to the Lab.

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