"A Day in a Blook's Life"

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By arthur Starlight of the Underground

One odd morning, Mettaton was awakened by his peaceful sleep and wonderful dreams of the stage and love, by his mentioned lover, (Name). He (Human/Mons.) awoke early to kick start their own day. Along the way, (Name) had begun working in the kitchen as the stove was lit, and the pan was already laying and waiting. Noticing the time that passed, (Name) took the chance to awake their love from his slumber. Now, Mettaton found himself being shaken awake. It was a little rude, since Mettaton had been dreaming, but waking up to his love easily made up for it. Greeting him with a smile, (Name) gestured for him to get up. "Wake up, princess," they joked, causing Mettaton to roll his eyes. Soon the duo were downstairs and enjoying a simple breakfast side by side. A calming song was playing in the background, one of Mettaton's earlier works from his beginning career on the surface which played low in the background.

Looking over to the morning paper that had been brought in with the meal, Mettaton causally began reading away while (Name) stopped to inspect the mail, more out of curiosity than anything else. For a period of time, neither said a word as the other focused on reading. Finally, (Name) caught sight of a letter or piece of mail with the Dreemurr Emblem on it. "Metta! Look!? Placing his paper down, Mettaton looked over before his gaze turned from confused to surprise. "Odd, the King hasn't sent a letter like this out in so long?" Reaching over, (Name) watch the star take then open it up. After a few moments of reading, Mettaton smiled before glancing up. "We just got an invite darling~ It's the 7th Anniversary of Monster-kind's freedom!" (Name) returned the smile and the two shared a kiss before both prepared for the day. By the late morning, the star had already made his way to his family's home. Walking right up to the uniquely shaped and pale blue house, he couldn't wait to see his dear cousin, Blooky. Waiting a moment after knocking until the door opened, revealing Napstablook who smiled at the sight of his cousin. "Happsta-" "Blooky!" Embracing one another, the two went inside to chat.

Later Mettaton was already at MTT Resort, looking over his desk with several papers before him. As annoying as it was, Mettaton had to sign paperwork daily and often. And since it could take a long time to read them over, Mettaton was forced to convert to his 'Box-Ex' form, with his box form being his upper body with Ex's leg. This at least saved him on power consumption. As he was finishing up on signing his latest stack of paperwork, he heard several light knocks before glancing up. "Come in." Stepping in, his former Burger Emporium Employee, turned Co-Star Felix, or BP, came in. Dressed in only a dress shirt, shoes and typicalblack pants, BP had a clearly long day of filming if the slight sweat off his fur and ruined tie was anything to go off of. Felix found a seat across from Mettaton, grinning lazily at his former boss, now turned freenemy. "Hey Met, stuck with the paperwork?" Mettaton slumped back in his seat, his screen displaying red. "You've got that right-" Soon the duo talked idly by, either about up-coming shows and films, or about one anothers life thus far on the surface. Eventually, Mettaton completed his work before he prepared to finish filming for the day.

By mid day, Mettaton traveled around, attending several small events in promoting his film or posing for cameras. He had to upkeep his brand after all? Eventually, he found himself charging whilst staying at his Resort, tapping his foot to a beat while he was reading the latest in the human and monster clothing magazine. Waiting for a while, he soon got the word that his last stop at a public event by the early afternoon would be taking place, and it would be his last time out for the day. Happy with this, Mettaton went on to be his best and ready to entertain his fans. Soon, both he and (Name) both attended, dressed formerly together as the duo arrived where the event was happening. The event at the park, located where Monsterkind's new home was on the surface. Arriving outside, the park was crowded by mostly monsters, by plenty of humans as well. Stepping out, Mettaton was joined by (Name) who followed their love past Guard one and Guard two, greater dog, and several members of the former Royal Guard. Greeting several residents from Snowdin, the Ruins, the Capital and Hotland, Mettaton said hello to many, greeting msot with a smile or wave. (Name) did the same, though with fewer amounts as Mettaton, but regardless the two were welcomed back with the rest of Monsterkind with open arms. Reaching the stage where the former King, Asgore Dreemurr, stood the two found Toriel and Frisk standing beside him, with Papyrus and Sans on their other side. The small group chatted silently together, waiting for the final call when finally it began.

A lengthy speech from the King, referring to the freedom of monsters, end of the 'war' between Human-Monster kind, the creation of New Home, and the fact so many monsters and humans had found love with one another. He then went on with the hope for a bright future between humans and monsters, until finally announcing the beginning of the event. With cheers and cries of applause, the duo among them, the celebration began. One after another, Toriel and Papyrus gave their own speeches before joining everyone in celebrating. A large crowd took to the dance floor, made up of couples or small families. Elsewhere, many enjoyed drinks or snacks, burgers or hot dogs on behalf of Grillby and Sans alike. Elsewhere, Muffet happily sold many small treats and muffins, donuts and tea from her own stand. Eventually, the two had gone through much of everything the event had to offer, not to mention meeting with friends and family also present. It was a fun time for everyone involved, lasting until evening had begun to set in, and the sun slowly left the sky. By then, many had left and among them was (Name) and Mettaton, the duo sharing one last romantic dance together as a slower song played behind them. Ending with a simple dip, the two smiled toward one another and shared one last tender kiss before leaving at last. It had been another long day, but one the star was always ready for. And, with (name) by his side, it was always enjoyable and full of love.

Soon the two had returned home, spent some time more side by side in each other's company, before the need for sleep came over and under the moonlight, cuddling under the covers, they went to bed.

(The End)

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