The Star that never was 4

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Happstablook x Reader

As Happsta rested alone in their room, a wide range of thoughts and questions came to their mind. Eventually, Happstablook soon sat up from their bed and proceeded to turn on they're TV. As the screen went on, they reached for their blanket and got comfortable. Soon enough and the screen displayed an 'anime' as they learned of. It wasn't exactly their taste, but it was certainly inspiring for ideas. Especially for 'attractive' stars, as some anime had plenty of thoses. Many lacked much taste in clothing, however. And some needed a bit of an attitude 'rework', but it was all still enjoyable to watch. Stopping for a moment then, they reached for their nightstand and retrieved a notepad and pencil. Soon they began to sketch out three ideas in mind. Three bodies, each with different 'roles' in mind. Stopping for a moment, happsta glanced around their room for some inspiration when a calculator was noticed atop their desk. Grinning, they went away and drew. Though not a very 'attractive' design, it certainly had a cute factor to it, with the small wheel and noodle arms in mind. The next form, nicknamed 'Ex,' was more style and looks. With a nice, hour-glass figure, round butox, noodle arms, and the best pair of legs they could draw, Happsta grinned, feeling very proud of their work. Raven hair, curled over half of their face, followed along with a pair of high-heels and platform boots perfectly suited for the form. Next followed a microphone and oon enough, 'Ex' was ready. Lastly, and arguably his 'best' work. Neo. A 'update' on Ex with more black, alongside larger shoulder pads, a set of powerful arms, one ending with a hand and the other with a cannon. Next a pair of dashing boots, perfect for a 'hero' and finally, a mid-section ending in nothing, with legs and body floating separately and not being connected. Some more of a 'Sci-Fi' element in his work.

With a whole day gone by, Happsta placed his work away safely before they decided to get some shut eye. But before they could fall asleep, a ringing was heard as Happsta arrived there. Checking the I.d., they noticed it was (Name) calling, causing them to begin panicking inside. As time had gone on, a key 'interest' had begun for the young and inspiring ghost in the form of 'feelings;. Said feelings for none other than they're friend, (Name). It was their own secret, one only they knew and no one else. Wanting to avoid keeping you waiting, and end their own panic, they instantly grabbed their phone and answered. With that done, and your voice was heard on the other end. "Hey Happsta, what's up?" "Oh (Name)! Nice t-to hear from you! Hello." As your conversation went, so did the curiosity on just what (Name) was calling them for. Well, you quickly answered. "So... I was hoping we could... go out together. Just us? But only if you feel up to it."

Surprised, but now feeling something they hadn't felt in a while, Happsta answered. "Y-Yeah. I'd like that very much." "Good! Maybe someday this week? Around 10 in the afternoon?" "I'd be willing." With that came a final goodbye, then internal squealing from happsta who failed to contain their excitement. Even using a pillow at one point to help lower their ;volume' after a bewildered Napstablook returned home, and wondered just what on earth was making noises upstairs.


The day finally came upon you two, and saw you both walking side by side by the pond close by. The duo of you and Happsta shared simple talk at first, thankfully things are going well so far. Though, something did come up during a moment between you two; while you both were sitting side by side on a bench, to which happsta finally opened about what they wanted to be in life. "A star, darling. I want to be a star.. Someone who people could look at and be entertained, to smile and feel good for themselves by. Someone they could turn to to make they're day better, even if a little." Sighing happily, Happsta seemed to enter a daydream while you remained quiet. 'What could I do to help? I mean... they are still my friends after all, and I want to help them be happy. But how...?' Knowing the task at hand would be difficult, you wondered if it was even possible to begin with. But seeing how happy Happsta seemed to be imagining their dream, you knew you wanted to do something for them.

Eventually spending some more time side by side, you two returned home together. And so began a wonderful friendship, one with an unlikely start, but a wonderful end.


A few years passed, and you and Happsta, alongside Napstablook, often appeared side by side together and hung out. Often, it saw you and Nappstablook becoming the sole audience for Happsta, as they performed on a makeshift stage in and around their home. You two often left speechless and applauding after each performance, leaving the poor Blook to blush and end up flustered. It was nice, and they were great friends to have. Napstablook had also gotten more 'lively' as well, since thanks to you, Happsta was feeling well. Though, from how you felt that wasn't saying too much, as while Happsta was more talkative, they were still a dreamer, and one who desired something that neither you or Napstablook were sure if it was possible to achieve. But you two were going to try. It just so happens that, while you were busy wandering south of the whole town, you came across a mysterious structure hidden deep within the forest. Said fort which you had recently discovered at that very moment, as you had taken some time away for a combination of curiosity, but also a desire for a walk alone. As you wondered alone and down the small path away from town, you spotted the hill ahead. Shrugging, you thought of climbing it to get a view around. Approaching it however, you swore you heard a low rumble that was only growing louder and louder as you went along. Then, just as you were about to begin your climb, you spotted a slight path going around. "What on earth-" you were silenced instantly, reaching the 'front' of said hill, only to notice a pair of old doors rusting away, right in front of you. A pair of them no less, like those seen as the back entrance of large buildings. Yet it was in a 'hill' and alone? "Well that isn't sketchy whatsoever?" You said, sarcasm evident to anyone listening as you wondered it aloud.

(To be Continued!)

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