I forgive you, Darling...

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(Author's note) This story is more... serious and involves more violence... So please be wary when reading this. I hope you enjoy! 

Your time had been spent doing rather... cruel, unforgivable, who knows the right word for it, acts. Now, here you were, facing off against the Star and one of the 3 remainings that stood in your way. This was currently your fourth run and already you were regretting it. The first time was painful and it didn't get any better... Why were you doing this again? to increase your LV and then what? End up with an empty world you will destroy and have nothing left? You wondered why you were doing this...

And it certainly didn't get easier as each time, the screams, the begging for mercy, the cries of the fallen... and the dust... piles left and right... This was the Genocide of a race that had done nothing but lived there lives and now, once again, a human was destroying it, all of it. The knife you were holding was covered with dust... white dust... of so... ...many... ...monsters... without... mercy...

Who was the real monster? 


The rest of the humans? 


You sighed to yourself as you passed throw the core, images of Muffet, Undyne, Papyrus, and Toriel flashing throw your mind. The faces of horror, fear, and sadness on their faces. The denial of there hopes and dreams. It broke your heart and shattered your soul (Not really). MTT Resort was abandoned, all who were once there, gone...

The core, you assumed, would be left abandoned. As you made your way towards it, you saw him... The one you thought about the most... This monster, the first time you saw him, you always thought about. You remembered the first time you interacted with him, your first Pacifiest Run. 

Then, you returned to the Underground in a Neutral Run. (Killing only Toriel, and Undyne. Asgore by Flowey) Afterward, you went back and freed the Monsters, but the guilt consumed you into returning and you reset.

In your mind, you did.

1: Pacifiest Run

3: Neutral Runs

And now...

4: Genocide Runs...

Back to the battle at hand. You looked up to face the 'box', Mettaton, as he rolled towards you, 'face' red. Mettaton's monologue began as usual and you just sat by, seemingly, no care in the world. Mettaton noticed this, and it only made him angrier... Thinking you didn't care, his soul grew in Determination. Memories of Undyne and other monsters who were his fans, flew throw his mind. 




Darkness, then...


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