"Please Darling?"

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Walking side by side, bags in hand, you huffed out in annoyance at your loves insistence to buy so many clothes. Granted, he made sure to use em, but you swore he had to many saved within his closet. Rolling your eyes at the though of him just trying to pick out his next outfit, which normally happened while searching for the right thing to wear for a special event. The frustration of that is what lead to you telling him he had to have a select few outfits, one that could be worn for more then just one outing. This of course, was far from a success. Mettaton did follow your advice, but now that meant you two had to go on a very long shopping trip which saw Mettaton pick out and try one outfit or another for what felt like the whole day. Unfortunately for you, this soon lead to you having to pick up the weight of a couple bags full of designers clothes, while Mettaton lead the way home.

Feeling like your arms were going to fall off at any moment, certainly didn't help your struggle but once you caught sight of your street where you and Metta stayed, brought new hope and gave you the strength to push onwards. Just as you were beginning to pick up the pace, you stopped once noticing Metta wasn't walking alongside you anymore.

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, you quickly turned about and searched for your love, only for your eyes to catch a blur of pink and silver turn into a nearby alley besides two buildings, one being Grillby's which you'd been too before. Confused, you quickly followed after him, which lead to you turning the corner while expecting to see Metta, but he was no where in sight.
"Mettaton?" You called out, carefully stepping over shattered glass and bottles, dodging strange stains on the floor, and old boxes rotting away. Once you had gone past a dumpster and made it to the back of Grillby's, you finally saw movement through a simple fence line which divided the small alleyway from a tree line.

"Okay, how does a tall, pink, silver, loud mouth, robotic drama queen just disappear in a quiet, GREEN forest!?"

Carefully placing the bags down on a 'clean' spot, you moved forward and soon glanced around only to spot a set of deep holes in dirt and stepped on grass. This was clearly the work of stellitos, and only one person wore those.

Without another word, you walked up and hopped over the fence before following the tracks, but not for long. After walking a meter past the tree line, you stopped dead in your tracks once you saw the back of your love. Sighing in some relief, you approached him from behind. "Metta, what are you doing?" You asked only for no response to come back from the star. Confused and slightly annoyed, you cleared your throat and were about to speak only to hear a 'shush'. What?

Did Mettaton just?

Feeling slightly agitated now, you were about to start again only for Mettaton to swing around so quickly, it caught you off guard and nearly made you stumble back into another tree. "Look Darling! Isn't he just the cutest!?!" In his embrace appeared to be a small, fuzzy, puff ball. With two small blue eyes, black nose, and small puppy paws with a round head and short snout. "A puppy...?" You questioned.

Mettaton responded eagerly with a nod. "Yes darling! I found this poor dear searching for food, and tried to help him only for him to run off! Thankfully, I found him quickly now look at him now!? Oh darling, we simply must help!"

Pausing to consider your options, you agreed and turned to face Metta. "Alright, we can take him down to the local pet shelter and he can stay there for now-"

"Oh,cbut darling I was thinking of something else~"

Why did that worry you?
"Which is?"

"We adopt him! I'm sure we can!"

You deadpanned at the cheerful robot, giving him a,neutral facade while he gleamed with a bright smile on his face.


" *gasp* But why!?"

"Because we already have enough to worry about! We don't need another headache in our lives!"

"Oh come on darling! Please???" Mettaton begged, holding the puppy closer as both he and the small pup looked to you. You crossed your arms, not swayed a inch. That quickly began to change, however.

Mettaton brought out his secret weapon, one you were afraid of ever having to go against...
His pouty face.

Bringing out how bottom lip, he allowed tears to form while slow and sad music came from the speaker on his chest. You tried to glare, you tried to appear stern, but each time you gave up as Mettaton just looked so helpless. You didn't wanna be the cause of his unhappiness, now do you?

"Please darling?"

Sighing in frustration, you turned your gaze away before groaning then looked back at him. "Fine... but you gotta take care of him-" without a momemt, Mettaton soon had you in the air, spinning around as he hugged the puppy alongside you. You soon ignored what you just felt moments ago, and simply laughed alongside Metta. Eventually, off you three went for home, but now with a small new yet adorable guest and member of the family in Mett's grasp. Soon, once arriving, your lives would only change for the better once adopting the small pup, you getting the chance to name him , (name choice).

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